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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia KHUTBAH : ASABIYYAH IN ISLAM


JUM'AH KHUTBAH (24 May 2013)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear, committed Muslims
Remember the khutbah on Friday pertains to the real world. This is not a fairytale presentation, it is not some abstract ideas, it comes to you from the real world with the guidance of Allah and His Prophet. You and we know that sectarianism has gained murderous proportions in different areas of the world and much of this, (without going into the particular details of the specific countries or people)- there is a historical depth to all of this and we shall attempt to cling to some ayaat and to some ahadith that disclose to us the nature of this problem. We want to get to this problem at its roots. We don't want to react to this issue superficially or in a shallow manner. We know that this call from Allah came to real people just like you and me- they have their thinking abilities, they have their feelings and emotions. So when this message came it declared the solidarity of individuals and peoples who were committed to Allah and His Prophet. The word Ummah which is a Qur'anic and a Prophetic word
… and indeed this Ummah of yours is but one Ummah… (Surah Al Ambiya' verse 92)
… and in such manner we have rendered you into a central Ummah so that you can become witnesses vis-a-vis other peoples… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 143)
OK- so here we have in our own Qur'anic reference the concept of unity. Now we're going to walk you through this as carefully as we can.
When the Prophet of Allah presented this message of inclusiveness and unity, (this is elementary knowledge), the first individuals to accept Allah and His Prophet was Khadija (radi Allahu anha), his wife who was the very first one; that was followed by Ali (radi Allahu anhu) his cousin; he was followed by Zayd ibn Haarithah his mawla (or) the person who was living with him and the fourth was Abu Bakr (radi Allahu anhu). This nucleus could have become a body of special exclusive people in Islam, but you read your history books and you find out that wasn't the case. They did not constitute a asabiyyah. You see, you have to familiarise yourselves with this word. Asabiyyah is the clannish coming together of individuals or societies not on the basis of an Ummah but on the basis of a particular preference or a particular superiority or a particular exclusivism that they attribute to themselves- that's al asabiyyah. Al asabiyyah is erosive of an Ummah- please understand this. So if we take a look at those first individuals to cling by heart and by soul to Allah and His Prophet, they didn't form an asabiyyah.
There's another aspect to this Islam of ourselves that gives itself to people forming their asabiyyah and that is the Qur'an itself is revealed in the Arabic language. During the time of Allah's Prophet the Qur'an was revealed in the Arabic language. During those twenty three years of Islamic hard word of an Islamic jihad on all levels we didn't sense that there was this type of Arabian or Arabic or Arab asabiyyah. It wasn't there in the practical sense of the word. There are ayaat in the Qur'an that speak about
Verily We have made accessible or brought down to your attention and to your thinking zone an Arabic Qur'an… (Surah Yusuf verse 2)
So the Ummah concept weathered in the tendencies within certain people because in this mix of people there were people who considered themselves non-Arabians, whether they were from Africa or from Persia or from whatever they may have been- Bilal, Suhaib, Salman (radi Allahu anhum). We never get the sense that they felt excluded because this Qur'an came to them and to the rest of humanity in its Arabic language. So there was not this functional asabiyyah during this time. They all understood this ayah
… We have but sent you to all peoples- whatever their language whatever their peculiarities- bearing good news and bearing news of doom… (Surah Saba' verse 28)
An ayah in the Qur'an
… but committed Muslims are brethren of each other… (Surah Al Hujurat verse 10)
The Prophet of Allah in one hadith gives a definition to asabiyyah (i.e.) this erosive element that strikes at the foundations of Islamic equality and Islamic togetherness, he said in a hadith count asabiyyah as a person's assistance to his own people for purposes of injustices or oppression. As we said at the beginning, these people who are receiving these ayaat and listening to this Prophet had the feelings that you and I have (and that) you and I belong to- a certain type of people, that's up to every individual to try and define his own self, i.e. who's his crowd of people? So were they idealists to the extent that "oh no- they didn't harbor these types of feelings?" Well, let us see.
In a hadith that the Prophet said on the day when Makkah was liberated he said oh people (or) oh folks of Quraysh, Allah has now, (with the liberation of Makkah), rid you of the pulse of jahiliyyah and its glorification of ancestry and forbearers. People are descendants of Adam and Adam is from soil… And see, here's where the hadith and they ayah perfectly resonate with each other- remember, we spoke about being critical when you hear hadiths? Well we just heard a hadith and now listen to the ayah in which one is an echo of the other. The thirteenth ayah of Surah Al Hujuraat that all of you are familiar with, needs no translation
Oh people, We have created you from male and female and rendered you as (shu'uban) derivatives of each other and (Qaba'il) correspondence to each other so that you may mutually come to know one another; the most honorable of you as far as Allah is concerned is the one who is most conscious of Allah's power presence/immediacy. (Surah Al Hujuraat verse 13)
In khutbah al wada', (remember these are people just like you and me, we have to keep repeating this many times because people sometimes may just want to skim the meaning but they don't want to place that meaning in their ocean of emotion), the Prophet of Allah says another hadith (that) we think needs no translation all of us are familiar with it- all of you are the descendants of Adam and Adam is made from dirt- soil and clay. There is no privilege of an Arab over a non-Arab nor for a non-Arab over an Arab; there is no privilege of a white over a black nor for a black over a white except if it be for a conscious guard against the wrath/anger of Allah and doing/the implementation of doing what is right/virtuous/correct. Another hadith, all people are equal- just like the way you look at the teeth of a comb they're all cut equal, that's how we all are. We all know this now and they knew it then. What we have among us though is this asabiyyah. Did they have an asabiyyah among them at that time? Before the Prophet, before the Qur'an the Arabian Peninsula was a peninsula known for its tribal asabiyyah but now in this knew fresh start of life people in Arabia began to see this person Muhammad seems like he's on an equal par with Bilal- Bilal who was an African a black and other derogatory words that you are familiar with. Here we see in practice with our own eyes these two people look like they are the same. We can't differentiate them via their behavior, via their interaction, via their camaraderie- we can't differentiate them. This was true. Zayd ibn Haarithah, the mawla of the Prophet, the person who Khadijah sort of, (in a sense), bequeath him to the Prophet to be his helper, to be his maid, (whatever you want to say), called mawla; once again the Prophet- he's a Prophet- equalizes himself with the rest.
Some other things were taking place. The issue of personal or tribal revenge was a major feature of the Arabian societies or communities. Here we have Islam moving in, in this twenty three year time period and that aspect of revenge was gradually receding.
With this society of asabiyyaat (or) clannish, tribal, family solidarities the Prophet of Allah was protected. This is a portion of the seerah history that, sort of, is overlooked. When Makkah turned against him, the Prophet of Allah was protected by the asabiyyah of Bani Abdul Muttalib and Bani Hashim. Now he could have said "I need no protection of asabiyyah." Think brothers and sisters- this is what distinguishes us from the crowd over there- we are here to think. The ayaat and the hadiths that you just listened to are very clear, they don't recognize asabiyyah but here we have a particular asabiyyah, the asabiyyah of Bani Hashim protecting the Prophet himself; it is wasn't for this protection all of the other asabiyyaat in Makkah and in Al Hejaz would have finished the Prophet off without Allah's protection. He'd be finished. All of this was like an introduction. So this is the first we encounter- why didn't the Prophet himself say "I refuse this asabiyyah of Bani Hashim. I don't want you Bani Hashim, my relatives, my ancestors to protect me." He didn't say that. He, (in a sense), used that protection until it could no longer protect him. When they finally made up their minds we're all going to come together and spill his blood among us all. At that point he left, but before that he didn't say "I'm not going to accept this asabiyyah protection." It didn't occur.
There are some who look at an asabiyyah rivalry between Makkah and Yathrib and because there was this asabiyyah rivalry the Prophet of Allah had a door open for him in that the people of Yathrib came to him and said we will offer you our protection. It's like saying in today's world we will offer you our citizenship. We'll cross across all of the asabiyyah lines and you'll come and be part of us. What did he say? Did he say "no, I'm not going to accept that? I won't." In a sense, (it can be worded in other ways), he didn't say I'm not going to take advantage of the historical rivalry between Makkah and Yathrib. He did.
Then, when we come to Al Madinah, there's an established order in Al Madinah and the Prophet is the leader, the Imam, the ultimate decision maker in this new Madinah. We have something called Al Muhajirin and Al Ansaar. Al Muhajirin are those who are forced out of Makkah and found refuge in Al Madinah and Al Ansaar were those who bore the responsibilities and the burden of moving this Islam forwards. When the Prophet arrived in Yathrib, to become Al Madinah, he wrote the document of Al Madinah. Anyone who looks very closely at this document will find in it a recognition of the tribal structure in Al Madinah, in Al Hejaz and in Arabia. There's nothing in this document that wrote off the asabiyyaat in the Arabian Peninsula. Each chief of a particular clan or tribe was recognized. Even the Yahudi presence in Al Madinah was recognized. These are potential pockets of asabiyyah. Do you think when the Prophet of Allah was transacting this agreement he didn't know these were potential explosive concessions to these very well established historical (and) tribal set-up? Of course he knew that but what's the other option? What do you do? You take it on by force and create an internal hemorrhage when there's no need for it? It wasn't done. So some of these tribes, according to the document of Al Madinah, bore certain responsibilities if one of them were to fall prisoner of war, they would have to share in a very way in releasing him from detention financially. The diyah was primarily upon the tribal construct that that particular person came from.
Then we have what is called al asharah al mubashireen bi al jannah, the ten individuals who were foretold of entry into paradise. All of them were from Makkah, none of them were from Al Madinah. Don't you think this would be ammunition for asabiyyah material here? Why wouldn't the people of Al Madinah say "wait a minute- aren't we all equal here? This type of good news only comes to a particular type of people?! Are we excluded?" What's going on here? But this asabiyyah wasn't instigated, it wasn't something that they made an issue out of.
Then we find in these developing years- all of this is developing, this is not the final product- that the Muhajirin and the Ansaar, (i.e. the crème la crème of the society at that time), had relations with the small number of Mushrikeen in Makkah. There were social relations there. There were relations with Yahud of Al Madinah and everyone knows who they are. There were relations with the Munafiqeen.
There was a certain contingent of people in Al Madinah who say "we are committed to Allah" but in fact they are not… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 8)
We have to remind you that we're not trying to speak to you some issues pertaining to history because these issues extend into today's world. This is the material out of which Muslims turn against Muslims today because they don't understand their own history! We don't understand our own history. When the Prophet came to Yathrib and it became his Madinah, he brought together Al Muhajirin and Al Ansaar in a fraternity which is called al mu'aakhaat. He brought them together. Why would anyone do something like this if there wasn't this beneath the surface tendency to look at the Muslim who is not one of them as an other? The Prophet did not want that to happen so to pre-empt something like that from happening he said a certain Muhajir is a brother of a certain Ansaari to try to exclude this asabiyyah from bursting out.
Before the battle of Badr- we all know the Battle of Badr was the first major military encounter between the Muslims and the Mushriks- there were six or seven saraya or military expeditions. All of these saraya involved Al Muhajirin, none of them involved Al Ansaar- they didn't participate in any of them. In today's world some people would immediately begin to think "this is a type of exclusion, the Prophet is excluding us." The Prophet wasn't excluding anyone. This has to be understood in context. The displaced people from Makkah i.e. Al Muhajirin were dispossessed. They had lands, they possessions, they had wealth, they had assets in Makkah and when they were forced to leave they couldn't claim their assets (and) what belonged to them so it became legitimate for them to try to claim what is theirs. So if there were some caravans or some commercial activity going out of or going into Makkah they would try to claim that to compensate for their losses. Al Ansaar didn't lose anything so therefore we can say they could be exempted from this; but even understanding these details there still will remain some people who will say "no, but the egalitarianism or the equality or the brotherhood of the Muslims forces me to partake in that." We know that this type of subterranean thought may have existed but they never played out in a divisive way. This is very important to understand because later on (and) let us take you to only fifty and sixty years after that. Muslims began to present- that is not ancient history, this is that generation and the following generation- the differences that defined me or you, I or the other as some of conflict between Umar and Ali (radi Allahu anhuma). These types of details don't factor in. Whether you're a Sunni or a Shi'i, you don't factor in these types of details which just proves that you are not aware of your historical self- that's all that says. Prior to Badr, Al Ansaar never participated in any military expedition or duty or responsibility. Then the Prophet, knowing human nature and knowing the social forces at work, in preparation for Badr, (this was the major encounter), said oh people- advise me. Let's get the significant meaning here when it comes to a leader getting people involved in the decision making process, but let us go down to the specific issue and the specific issue up until then was that Al Ansaar were not involved in any military assignment- none. So when he said oh people- advise me and what used to happen in those day- this is gone, this is something Muslims used to have (that) we have no more- when there is going to be (or) when there was a very significant decision to be made like a military decision or a political decision there used to be an adhaan from the Masjid; not the adhaan that we have today that is for as salah, there was another adhaan for let's say the convening of the decision makers and they used to come and the Prophet would say oh people- advise me. So Al Ansaar were there, they were present and they understood that he meant them. So there was this little back and forth between the Prophet and Sa'd ibn Muadh (radi Allahu anhu) and Sa'd tells the Prophet if you mean to solicit our opinion you know that we have committed ourselves to you, we have given our solemn pledge to you therefore proceed and decide what has to be done and we are with you all of the way. Now this is an obviously American type of wording of what took place there and then in a nutshell. We know what happened after that. Al Ansaar went on and they participated in Badr and now Al Muhajirin and Ansaar were together from now on until the Prophet passes away and all of the military responsibilities that comes there way. In one of the battles, the Battle of Hunayn, when the time came to distribute the spoils of war all of the distribution of the spoils of war went to Al Muhajirin, nothing went to Al Ansaar. You would think something like this is a big issue. These people were giving their lives- some of them actually gave their lives- and they don't get anything?! It's at moments like this that people begin to feel discrimination, they begin to feel excluded, they begin to harbour a grudge, they develop all of these negative feelings- that didn't happen. If we transpose whatever happened then into today's world you can bet whatever you have that many people are going to stand up, run and be the first ones to complain, "this is not fair." This is what they say, "this is not fair" and they'll make out of that a divisive issue and then comes crumbling down what is supposed to be a consolidated Ummah. We know this from experience and we humbly say this; we spoke about how we have to scrutinise the hadiths and this is one of the hadiths that has to be scrutinised. We're not saying that it's totally false or that it's totally correct. A statement in the sahih of Bukhari, what does it say? As the wealth of Hawazin who had lost the battle with the Muslims was being distributed after the clash some of the Ansaar said may Allah forgive Rasulullah. He's giving Quraysh- remember Quraysh has been at war with them all of these years and they just came over to becoming Muslims and we carried this burden with our tears, with our sweat and with our blood up until now- and now that this major battle is over he leaves us without anything and our swords are still dripping with the blood of the enemies. You would think, looking at these developments that there should be some type of political party coming out of Al Ansaar. There was no political party that came out of Al Ansaar. The Prophet of Allah knew this. He wasn't absent from the way they felt and the way they interpreted these. He said to them something like you've now sensed inside of yourselves an inclination to some of the vestiges of the world. When you distribute this, what are we talking about? Let's be practical here- the war is over, there's a sword there, there's a body armour here, there's maybe some food there. We're not talking about millions of dollars in today's amounts, but whatever it was, it wasn't a matter of how much it was. It was just a matter of "we are going to be equal with the others." Of course, the Prophet considered them equal, and probably more equal, but he said to them and this is an Islamic concept, it's in the Qur'an, there is something that has to be done to win over those who have just become Muslims; so give them something to encourage them to be with us- that's all we're doing. We are not excluding you, we are trying to win them over and with your altruism (and) with your selflessness we will be able to do that. Sorry brothers and sisters- we want to go on because there are some other demonstrations of al asabiyyah; this asabiyyah that never had its day when the Prophet was alive but then it comes back to haunt us. Al Ansaar never had the asabiyyah of Ansaar and Al Muhajirin never had the asabiyyah of Muhajirin. It appeared on certain occasions and these were the occasions we were getting to but it never materialised. Today we have Sunnis and we have Shi'is and each one of them have their asabiyyah! If they could only mature enough and act like the Muhajirin and the Ansaar! No one is saying you can't be a Sunni or you can't be a Shi'i or you can't be a Muhajir or you can't be an Ansaari-I no one is saying that. All that we are saying is be to your hearts content the full Shi'i and be the full Sunni that you want to be but don't let that become divisive. It wasn't divisive in the time of Allah's Prophet and it shouldn't be divisive today. This is another take on the meanings of
And hold firm to Allah's binding matter all of you- no exceptions- and be not divided…Surah Aal Imran verse 103)
Dear brothers and dear sisters, dear committed Muslims…
If we make the transition (and) if we just move our minds from this reference that we have, (i.e. Allah's scripture and Allah's Messenger), and if we move ourselves from the wealth of experience and the preponderance of lessons and evidence that come from there in to our present condition today; look at ourselves- does any one of us have the denial of self that these people who we are looking at through different books, through different channels, through different interpretations but at the end of the day they weren't fighting each other. Can anyone of you go back to any reference that you have and tell us that Muslims were fighting themselves during the time of Allah's Prophet? It didn't exist! With all the latent feelings, (and we just touched on some of them and there are others which we didn't have time to), but it never broke out that I am the best Muslim and whoever disagrees with me is condemned to hell like the attitude that is among us today. Some of us express it. Some Muslims actually say that and they attribute it to hadith of the Prophet- the hadith that we spoke about some weeks ago and said there's no such hadith. This is a fabrication and when went in length explaining that. So some Muslims come and they say it. They quote the hadith and here they are as if they are parading their ego. "I belong to al firqah an naaji'ah, I belong to the saved or the redeemed contingent of Muslims." What is this?! That's an ego speaking! The Prophet didn't have an ego. Some of us don't say it but we behave it and both of them are equally wrong and therefore you see what is happening. Take a look at what's happening among us. What's happening among us is that those who are not Muslims (and) who have nothing to do with us- actually they are our enemies- covered this territory and they thought about it. "Look at the Muslims- where is there a gap? Where is there tension? Where's their misunderstanding?" And when they find these areas they light the match and we burn! And here we have (Masajid)- look at all these Masajid around- watch, observe (and) pay attention to these people who go into these Masajid. They are driven by tradition (and) by habit and they are satisfied with going to a Masjid that doesn't speak to the most precious thing in them, (i.e.) their brains! They go in brainless and they come out brainless! This is hard to say because at the end of the day they are part of us however way you look at it. It's a heart ache to look at who we are today, what we are doing to ourselves and what is being done to us .It pains a person to say the truth about this matter but we have to say it because innocent people are dying, innocent people have been killed and innocent people will continue to be exposed to wars. Have you ever looked at a baby? Have you ever taken a very close look at the eyes of a son or daughter who is still a toddler (or) that's still an infant and what that person means to their father and mother? Maybe some of us- may Allah protect us, we hope that this type of tragedy doesn't come our way- but there is a real world out there and families are being torn apart, some of them are being dislocated by life and death, some of them are dislocated by distances of thousands of miles, some of them are dislocated and they don't know here they are in this dislocation. This is real and it's real because of our ignorance of our own selves. We hope that some of information on this day of taqwa has taken its range in your mind, first and foremost, and in your heart so that we can pull out of the tragedy that we are living.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 24 May 2013 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Monday, May 27, 2013

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia Fw: Female student in Al-Azhar faces investigation for being Shia


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Friday, May 24, 2013



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (24 May 2013)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear brothers, dear sisters, committed Muslims
Allah says to us concerning His beloved Prophet
When Allah's Prophet speaks, he doesn't speak because he's expressing a personal desire or his own preference for things or because he has a tendency towards himself rather his speech his words are a matter of a revelation revealed to him. (Surah An Najm verse 3-4)
This is in reference to Allah's Prophet. In Surah Nun Allah says.
With Allah's favor, with Allah's bounty, with Allah's privilege you are not losing your mind, you are not in the fringe group, you are not crazy, you are not mentally instable or de-stable- you're none of this. (Surah Al Qalam verse 2)
… and you are indeed of a most befitting and awesome moral character. (Surah Al Qalam verse 4)
And then on and on until Allah says
When Allah's Prophet speaks, he doesn't speak because he's expressing a personal desire or his own preference for things or because he has a tendency towards himself; rather his speech his words are a matter of a revelation revealed to him. (Surah An Najm verse 3-4)
Now we, the Muslims, have a collection of hadiths that are give or take around a million- that's a lot of hadiths; and the problem with some of these hadiths is the matter that we are going to look at with Allah's help and with the taqwa of Allah in this short period of time.
Not many people know this, but we're going to begin by saying what many people are ignorant of and that is (that) during the time of Allah's Prophet it was forbidden to write his hadith. Did you catch that? Did you listen closely? It was forbidden to write or to register the hadiths of Allah's Prophet. The Prophet of Allah says don't write anything from me or another way or saying this is don't write anything about me except for the Qur'an and whoever is writing, (this is when he is alive), then erase these hadiths and whoever intentionally writes lies about me then let him be prepared to be seated in the fire. Another less known fact about Allah's Prophet is that after he passed away it wasn't a matter to be encouraged to quote Allah's Prophet. There wasn't this public attitude that "let us say (or) publicise what Allah's Prophet said." This is also not a known fact among the Muslims. Scholars will know this. They read these books and they read this information and they know this but for some reason or the other it doesn't take its flow or its course among the average Muslims. So what do we have in these body of hadiths- the million or so hadiths that we have; and we'll speak a little about the refinement of these hadiths.
Some of these hadiths tell us… You can consider this as not beating a dead horse because in the last khutbah we spoke about this subject matter and so we're not here trying to beat a dead horse, rather we're trying to give ourselves a head start on what is long over due i.e. filtering the authentic (and) Qur'anic compatible hadiths from the hadiths that are contrary to the Qur'an or contrarian hadiths. Some of these hadiths, (and we're not speaking about one or two), we're going to count these points in which these hadiths should disappear from existence. We have to reiterate that we're not throwing the baby out with the water in which the baby was bathed! We're not throwing everything out! The bath water is thrown out and the baby remains! Therefore the unauthentic (or) contrarian hadiths should go out and the authentic and validated hadiths in the climate of the Qur'an should stay. In these hadiths we find that there are some hadiths attributed to the Prophet that he came under some type of magical spell and being under the influence of this type of magic he would not realize whether he had an affair or conjugal relationships with his wife or not. You tell us- is this a hadith that describes Allah's Prophet or not? If it doesn't and there's no Qur'anic ayah that gives us the sense that Allah's Prophet is going to approach he's wife and he's not going to know that he's approaching his wife or not?! There are some other hadiths that claim that the Prophet read these ayaat in the Qur'an
Have you considered Al Laat and Al Uzza and Manaat- the other third? (Surah An Najm verse 19-20)
OK- these are ayaat, but the hadith tells us he added to these ayaat tilka al gharaniku al ula wa inna shafa'atahum la turtaja. What this hadith is saying is that the Prophet added (what) is not in the Qur'an. This is supposed to be, according to the hadith, an ayah but it's not because if you open your Qur'an and you go to surah An Najm to look up and see this tilka al gharaniku al ula wa inna shafa'atahum la turtaja- it's not there! Then, some other hadiths pertaining to this same ayah tell us the Mushrikeen were listening and they came and they followed Allah's Prophet in prayers. How is anyone who is reading the Qur'an going to fit that in i.e. the Mushrikeen following Allah's Prophet in prayers when he mentions tilka al gharaniku al ula wa inna shafa'atahum la turtaja?! It doesn't fit, it doesn't make sense, it shouldn't be there. There are other hadiths that should not be hadiths that say the Prophet used to approach all of his wives, (you know what we mean by approach), in a conjugal manner every night and that he was given the vigour or thirty men and here, in this context it means the sexual vigour of thirty men. You tell us- this is a hadith?! There's other hadiths that say his wife Hafsah (radi Allahu anha) asked him permission one day to be absent from being with him during her night with him and he gave her permission. This is "hadith." Remember- what we're telling you is what is so called hadith. After he gave her permission to go he snuck in or he brought in surreptitiously, without anyone noticing his wife Maria (radi Allahu anha) and he spent that time with his wife Maria and- we're telling you what the hadith is saying. Unfortunately we don't have time to quote the hadiths and then to translate them because this is going to consume much of the time but it is there. Everyone who is keen with hadith literature would know what we're talking about. So he spends this night with Maria and then Hafsah comes back and she is told what happened and then she comes to the Prophet and then she rebukes him saying to him it was my night and you had this relationship with Maria and you wanted to have it secretly. Now you tell us- is this Allah's Prophet? Is this the character of Allah's Prophet? As if he's having some type of secret affair but this is in the hadith literature?! Doesn't this invite us to do something about this hadith literature?
Then, in the hadith literature, like we mentioned previously, we are told that the Prophet of Allah married his wife Aa'ishah, Umm Al Mu'minin (radi Allahu anha) when she was seven years old (or) six years old (or) nine years old- some where in there and we explained how this is nonsense in the previous khutbah but it is there is the hadith literature.
Then there is, contrary to the many ayaat in the Qur'an that speak about how it is impossible to know about al ghayb. The details of al ghayb is left up to Allah. But there are hadiths that tell us the Prophet knows the details of al ghayb. Are we to believe the hadiths or are we to believe the ayaat when they are sending conflicting messages to us?
Then there are other ahaadith that are called Isra'eeliyaat. This is another body of hadith in hadith books. When you read these Isra'eeliyaat you get the impression as if the Prophet of Allah is a Prophet of Bani Isra'eel. This is an area that has not been worked upon by the Muslim mind and therefore it lingers on in our quotes of him in the khutbahs, in the textbooks- everywhere.
There are other hadiths that the Prophet is the Prophet of epics, what is meant here is military epics. The book of Allah describes him as the Nabi of rahmah.
… as a mercy unto the peoples and the domains of the world. (Surah Al Ambiya' verse 107)
So are we to accept the malhama Prophet or the marhama Prophet? The Prophet that is described in the Qur'an or the Prophet that is described is some of these hadiths?
Another aspect of all of this is that after the Prophet passed away, during the time of the first Khalifah if some one wanted to quote for the Khalifah a hadith, he would ask him to take an oath if he was not familiar with what this person was saying. Abu Bakr (radi Allahu anhu) was very close to the Prophet and if he wasn't familiar with that hadith he would ask that person to take an oath that what he said was said by Allah's Prophet. In the time of the second Khalifah if there was a person who came with a hadith and said the Prophet said something and if Umar (radi Allahu anhu), the second Khalifah, was not familiar with what this person was saying he would ask him to bring a witness that Allah's Prophet said that certain thing or that certain statement or that certain hadith. So this was the attitude. We're trying here in a summary fashion to give you the impression or the condition of the Muslims during the time of Allah's Prophet and during the time of the Khulafa' after him of how people behaved especially personalities who are in positions of responsibility and decision making (and) how their attitude was towards the statements of Allah's Prophet.
So let us now skip a couple of hundred years after the Prophet. About two hundred years after that we find that there's about one million hadiths. If you go to these books about hadith and history you will find that there's around five hundred hadiths that were circulating after the Prophet passed away in those forty years before Monarchy and Dictatorship kicked in! Now this makes sense. People were cautious, people were sensitive, people were conscientious about what the Prophet said and honest, more or less, but then something happened in the political and social structure of the Muslim. So we skip about two hundred years and we find our selves with one million hadiths- from five hundred to one million?! What happened? All of a sudden you had people go and pick on people's minds to recall the Prophet's hadiths after all of these years?! So something began. One of the virtues of some of the scholars at that time (is that) they had to filter these hadiths- one million. All of these hadiths are valid hadiths (or) sahih hadiths- one million of them all of them? Impossible! Something has to be done about this. So what did they do? They began the process of validating the hadiths. They had to validate them. In that process they came across three categories, basically. Without getting very technical here, three categories of hadith- as sahih, al hasan and ad da'eef. As sahih is supposed to be the most reliable hadith, al hasan is supposed to be in between, (i.e.) it makes a lot of sense, it could be a hadith and then ad da'eef hadith (i.e.) well, this doesn't make very much sense (and) we are not going to really rely upon it. So these were the three categories but what happened? This is an area where not very many people pay any attention to. If a hadith is da'eef and it doesn't carry very much weight, OK- if that's the case then why is it there? Just erase it altogether! Get rid of it! Why do we still have these hadiths that are called da'eef hadiths if by your own definition a hadith da'eef hadith is unreliable, is unsubstantiated, it's spurious and spacious? If that's the case what's it doing around? But it's there probably in the hundreds of thousands. We don't need them. No one needs them. So what happened in this classification as sahih, al hasan and ad da'eef? They blurred the lines so someone would quote a hadith and say hadith hasan and with the public official atmosphere around the hadith hasan is elevated to almost a hadith sahih and the hadith that is da'eef is elevated to almost a hadith hasan and we still live with this baggage, we still carry this burden up until this very day. So when we look at tens of thousands or thousands of hadiths from this million that speak about al ghayb from the moment in which a person passes away to yawm al qiyamah to jannah and an naar- when there are these many hadiths speaking about this ghayb we think we should take, (right now is the time and it's long over due), a very disciplined, principled and informed approach to these hadiths.
Then there are hadiths that have to do with the unknowns of the Qur'an because there are unknown meanings to the Qur'an yet to be developed or yet to be discovered.
It is He, Allah, who has brought down to you this scripture; in this scripture (or) in this Qur'an there are ayaat (or) there are verses that are explanationarily tight, there's no doubt about their meanings; these ayaat are the basis are the foundation of the Quran and there are other ayaat that are similar or that have similar explanations and meanings; as for those who have hearts that zigzag, they follow into the courses of this uncertainty of meanings because they are in pursuit of seditious objectives, al fitnah and in pursuit of meanings that are in the context of this fitnah and the only One who knows the final and the foremost ta'wil is Allah… (Surah Aal Imran verse 7)
There are ayaat that may tolerate a range of meanings (and) there are ayaat that give themselves to different interpretations but they remain generally speaking in the area of the unknown. When there are hadiths that try to explain these unknowns we should be careful and we should be cautious.
Then there are hadiths that tell us the hadiths itself has abrogated or cancelled an ayah! Can you believe this? Hadiths that is in the books of hadiths that say the hadith cancelled the ayah. How can this be? This is what we're told and this is what we live with. There are also some hadiths that fly in the face of the meanings of the ayaat of the Qur'an, especially when it comes to the issue of justice or social justice al adl or al qist- they exist. Why? Why are we still carrying these types of hadiths around?
Then there are some hadiths that have to do with women beginning with the hadiths that tell us, (and these are in books of tafseer and these are in books of fiqh and you'll find them all over), that women were created from the rib of Adam (alayhi as salaam) or Eve (alayha as salaam) was created from the rib of Adam or women were created from the rib of men. From this hadith all the way down to the hadith that tells us all of the body of the women is aura is a private part so she should cover all of herself even some hadiths go to the extent that she is only permitted to expose one eye. You tell us, you read the Qur'an- when you come across such hadiths, are they Qur'anically compatible? This is the way you read the Qur'an?! As if here our mothers and our sisters and our daughters have been reduced to sub-humans! This is a contradiction of the meanings of equality and the meanings of mutuality in the Qur'an shining clear- so you accept the Qur'an or you accept the hadith?
Then we should be cautious when we read the many ahadith about miracles. There is a whole body of hadiths about miracles. We are not denying here that miracles occurred- the issue is a very subtle one. Of course there were miracles but these miracles are not worked up the way they are presented to us in the books of hadith. If you are reading and following closely these miracles from the hadith that said the Prophet's breast was opened at one time before he received the wahy or at the beginning of his reception of the wahy an angel came down and literally (or) physically opened up his breast (or) his bosom to the hadith that said the trunk of the tree realising that the Prophet was next to it bowed down to him in respect and there are so many others. Now we are not saying that miracles did not occur- they did occur but the issue here is not the occurrence of miracles the issue here is of accepting these miracles to eclipse the miracle of the Qur'an. We know that very clearly in the ayaat of the Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet the Qur'an is the miracle however way you approach it. So when you play up these miracles you denude the Qur'an (or) you subtract from the Qur'an its miraculous value and this is the problem with these hadiths. When you put them altogether they make the Qur'an appear as if it is minuscule.
There are some hadiths that also violate freedom of conscience. (In) the Qur'an Allah has guaranteed for everyone their freedom of conscience. This is a very important aspect of human life. So when you come across so hadiths that violate this freedom of conscience, and there's plenty of them, what are you going to accept- Allah's words or the compilation of people who came scores of years or hundreds of years after the Prophet and then attribute some statement or sentences to him that abridge or that cancel freedom of conscience?
Then there are some hadiths that magnify very simple deeds. They say Allah is going to give you so much rewards (or) so much ajr for, (let's say), performing you wudhu with perfection. There are some hadiths that say if the water doesn't touch your elbow that is going to be fuel for the fire, for jahannam, for an naar. These types of hadiths that build up much rewards and build up much penalties for these types of affairs and then look askance when we are dealing with issues of justice or issues of injustice or issues of inequalities or issues of discrimination- where's the hadith in this area- ask yourself.
Then you come across ahadith that have to do with dressing and eating and sleeping and these kind of things. OK- we're not going to argue this but some people raise these types of ahadith to substitute for the ayaat of the Qur'an that have us focus on much more important issues. So if we read hadiths like this it doesn't mean that we are duty bound to eat in a certain way. We'll give an example here so you can understand this a little better. These examples save us lots of explanations. One of the Fuqaha' was brought an orange, Ibn Hanbal- let us also be upfront about this. He was brought an orange and he said I'm not going to eat the orange. He was asked why aren't you going to eat the orange? He said because I don't know how the Prophet would have eaten this orange therefore I'm not going to eat it. You see- this is the type of understanding of the ahadith that has stifled and chained us. This is not to knock down Fuqaha', it's not to belittle scholars or anything- we are looking at attitudes and mentalities, we're not looking at personalities. Please relieve us of trying to evaluate what we are saying because of personalities. No! All of these and most of these people who are involved in the effort of hadith may Allah reward them, may Allah give them the best but we are looking at our selves. We are stuck with a legacy of sorts, we are stuck with this burden and we have to come free.
Then there are ahadith that speak about almost blind obedience to the ruler- any ruler. One of these hadiths end by saying pray behind every virtuous person and anti virtuous person. How can this be? Does this make sense?
Then, there are some people who are very zealous- as we said at the beginning they just want to throw the baby out with the bath water, they want to throw everything out. No! Yours truly here in going through some of these hadiths, we don't want to do that. We want to be careful, we are conscious of Allah in this day of taqwa. Then, they tell us there are some scholars who took issue with the hadiths of Bukhari and Muslim, these are the Fuqaha'; but upon further investigation these Fuqaha' came before Bukhari and Muslim so how can they take issue with them when they weren't around?! But this is how zealous some writers are. Now all of this has to be understood with the context of the time. This wasn't happening in a vacuum. There's a lot of things happening in the social and in the political and the military climate of the day. One thing that happened, (it was a sort of miracle itself), was the speedy extension of Islam throughout the land. In just about a hundred years (or) a couple of generations or so this beleaguered besieged Islam in Makkah and in Al Madinah became the law of the land in areas thousand of miles away. This is not an easy thing when you think about it. Number one, (you're going to need a little help around here), in today's world if you wanted to go from country to country there are procedures- you have to obtain a visa, you need a passport and in some cases there's a limitation of time if they give you permission to go to a certain country, etc. That wasn't the case. We don't know- never has it happened. We don't know of any place anywhere, any book, any reference that tells a person in the Islamic sphere of decision making that if you wanted to go from one geographical area to the next you needed permission. It didn't exist. So what happened here was a confluence of difference in cultures and peoples and folklores and civilizations and mentalities and religions and philosophies- all the doors were opened for all of them in this Islamic domain and many of them didn't understand the Qur'an. Remember, these were initiated Muslims. They just became Muslims- how are they going to understand the Qur'an? But their minds were at a higher working level then the purveyors of the Qura'n themselves, (i.e.) these Arabians that left the Arabian Peninsula. They were not developed so they encountered other peoples from India, from Greece, from Persia, from North Africa, from Egypt and all over the place. They encountered a more developed lifestyle and they had to respond to some of the questions around and being that these rulers at that time- remember, we had Muawiyyah who had officialised the condemnation of Al Imam Ali (radi Allahu anhu) from the Manabir and Masajid all over the place, and then we had Ziyad, his Lieutenant, who was ruthless, (and we can quote for you, (we have the quotes but we don't have the time), the terrible statements that he made that he is going to level the land, he is going to destroy everyone who is going to stand in his way, nightly curfews. You know in our world today they speak about military curfews and states of emergencies and these things- during the time of Ziyad he imposed a night curfew on Muslims. You couldn't go out at night! Then came Al Hajjaj with his famous statement I see that some heads have ripened, you know like a fruit that is ripe on a tree. He was looking at his subjects as if they were plants or trees, the body is the trunk or stem and the head is the fruit he said I see some of you out there whose heads are ripened and it's time for me to pick those heads. That's what he said as if he's picking fruit from a tree. Believe it or not- in today's world they speak about globalization (and) how this has become a global village. We don't know how? It has become a global village for big business, for corporations, for capitalists. They go around- there's no visa requirements, there's nothing that stands in their way but for the poor person on the bottom it's not very easy for him to go anywhere. There are financial difficulties, there are cultural difficulties, there are official regulations and difficulties- there's a whole string of issues in their way; but the time period that we are speaking about, (remember we're still speaking about the hadiths here), is where we had different types of people globalised. Their history, their backgrounds- everything came together. In this, (what you may call), melting pot of Islam the Murji'ah and the Qadariyyah, the Sunnah and the Shi'ah, the Khawarij and the Mu'tazilis and on and on.
Then we had the tragic incidents that took place pertaining to Karbala' and pertaining to Al Madinah itself. The Umawi army was sent to Al Madinah and there was a massacre there. Many structures were destroyed, many Muslim women were raped, many innocent people were killed. Now you tell us, (and we'll try to end it with this), if we had a political order that was calling the shots during those times that would do all of this- they had no compunction (and) their conscience didn't prick them if they killed tens of thousands of Muslims at one time (do) you think they will be bothered if someone is going to fabricate a hadith that would serve their political survival, the continuation of their reign (and) the preservation of their personal or their tribal or their national interests- whether it was the Umawis on one side or whether it was the Abbasis on the other side?! This guy, called and Al Imam Ibrahim- some scholar during the time of one of the Abu Muslim Al Khurasani one of the leaders of the Abbasis who revolted against the Umawis- the ruler (or) the governor was told by this scholar if you find anyone who is speaking Arabic in Khurasan do away with him (or) if you suspect anyone of that type who is five lengths of the distance between your thumb and your index finger finish him off. Now you tell us we didn't have issues at that time with the sensitivities against those who speak Arabic and those who don't?! Those who were with Al Imam Al Hussein (radi Allahu anhu) and those who were against him?! We live with this and some of it unfortunately, with the preponderance of ignorance, lives on until this day. That world was a mosaic world. The Umawis may have written the manifesto of terrorism and in light of that they could live with hadiths that were lies, (i.e.) they are no hadiths at all! It's a lie! It's a contradiction to say it's a hadith and it's a lie. The Prophet of Allah doesn't lie but these administrations- yeah, they'd love it. At that time a very famous Arab poet called Al Muttanabbi would go long distances in the area of Iraq or in the area of Persia or in the area of Syria (or) some areas that are by their own history and background Arabic speaking and because of the influx of people (and) the movement of populations he couldn't find anyone who'd speak his language. This is the language of the Qur'an. Moses Mymonidies (or) Musa ibn Maymun- this is the well known Jewish philosopher would appear like a Muslim in Cairo and he'd go to Qurtuba and he'd appear like a Jewish philosopher. You couldn't distinguish whether this person is a Muslim or whether he is a Yahudi. He used to write Hebrew with the Arabic script. This is the type of world that generated these numerous hadiths that if we just care to open our minds- that's all it requires, dear brothers, dear sisters, dear loved ones- just open your eyes (and) open your minds and see whether many of these hadiths fit in the frame work of the Qur'an or they don't. If they do, they are in our hearts and they are in our minds if they don't then we have nothing to do with them.
Dear committed Muslims…
You and I know nowadays there's this very troubling and destabilising phenomenon that has one Muslim look at the other Muslim with suspicion. This is unwanted and it should have no character in us but we have some Muslims coming up to other Muslims and inside themselves they actually want to kill this other Muslim. If we read our Qur'an thoroughly and accurately, conscientiously and mentally, there's no justification for this penchant that has become policies that are costing us precious lives. What do you say? You read in these weeks, in these months, in these years that go by explosions (and) bombs in Masajid in certain areas where Muslims congregate killing twenty (or) a hundred and twenty (or) hundreds of Muslims. Where did this come from? Some of it comes from these false, (what they call), hadiths. If we have the God-given confidence to trim away these alien hadiths that violate our Iman and our togetherness (and) if we have what it takes to exclude our hadith literature from sentences and statements that spill the blood of other Muslims we could come a long way; and mind you, just like it was in those times when there were certain rulers who wanted to use Islamic hadith and literature to justify their positions they still exist today. We spoke very briefly- one of the points in the previous khutbah was about how some hadiths are demeaning (or) dehumanising women. Well, one of the news items has come our way in the past couple of days- two or three days ago of all places in Makkah. A person in Makkah goes (to where) they have a celebration hall where marriages are enacted. So he retains this place to have a marriage ceremony and what does he do? At one time, (we don't know if this happened before, it may have happened and we don't know about it- we're just human beings just like you), this person after all preparations and everything he brings the officiate, (i.e.) the person who is supposed to officiate this marriage and then he brings two women. He says "these are my wives. I want to get married to this wife and this wife at the same time" and he's proud of this because he says "hopefully this will be a harbinger of things to come. We are breaking new grounds here." When we have that type of religious establishments in that land subduing the Qur'an to these types of hadiths that we are talking about, almost anything can happen and this should not surprise anyone. We don't know what other oddity will be generated by that mess- the historical and the contemporary mess- that is behind the problems that we are suffering from. Reports not from Muslims, in the Western press, reports that Qatar, this miniature nation state or this mini nation state, has financed the internal strife in Syria so far with $three billion dollars and that Amir, the head of that country is called an Amir, sees himself as the Islamic Jamal Abdul Nasser (or) the new hero of the masses. What do you expect if we don't filter our Islamic information and if we don't have the Qur'an as our reference? These types of things will continue to happen and reoccur and regenerate until we exhaust our potential and we cannot achieve our obligations.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 17 May 2013 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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