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Friday, September 30, 2011

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia Wiladat Hazrat BiBi Masooma Qom {A.S} Tamam Momineen ko Mubarak bilkhosos IMAM - e- Zamana (a.j.t.f) [2 Attachments]

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (30 September 2011)

webpage: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=182501078290&ref=ts


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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Brothers and sisters, Committed Muslims …


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/podcast/podcast/151152 (09-23-2011)




What you are about to hear may sound gibberish to those who are not involved in Islamic activities but those who are grounded and have spent time in the presence of Allah with the meanings of these words, then these words will serve, hopefully, as words of enlightenment. One of the problems with the contemporary Islamic Movement is that it has not defined itself, (we're speaking about the contemporary Islamic Movement as a whole, there are exceptions to this), vis-à-vis the powers that be. (When) you encounter an average committed Muslim and you ask him, (whether he belongs to and Islamic Party or he belongs to an Islamic Organization or he belongs to an Islamic Association or whatever his affiliation with Islamic activism is), "what is your relationship with the Governments out here?" Besides giving you a very general answer, (i.e.), "well these Governments are not Islamic Governments of these Governments are not what we as Muslims would want Governments to be" he/she does not have the correct set of mind when it comes to: how are supposed to be interacting with these Governmental powers; how should we be addressing these Governmental authorities; how should we be defining these Governmental structures. When it comes to that there's not much information along these lines. Let us take Allah's Prophet and see what were the dynamics between Allah's Prophet and those who represented the Official class of that time. Before we come to the last of Allah's Prophet, we notice there's an ayah in Surah Hud in which this ayah speaks about a particular dynamic between Nuh (alayhi as salaam) and those who were with him on one side and those who represented the power class on the other side. 

… Nuh said to them "if you make fun of us, then we in our own way make fun of you. (Surah Hud verse 38)

Why should anyone be ridiculing someone else? The power structure in the time of Nuh was presenting Nuh and his followers as something like fools and so there- in their own time with their own devices- word would circulate in society that these are "nutcases", (in today's language). They would build on that in their own way. What today's average member of the Islamic Movement doesn't understand is there had to be some element, some substance in the message of Nuh that caused the representatives of the power structure around him in his society to make fun of him. Or else, if he was a man of just some rituals, of some sha'aair, of some Islamic rites then these types of powerful figures in society would just dismiss him and say "he has his own ways and we don't care very much about him." But there was something of a challenging nature in the message of Nuh that had them make fun of him. We who belong to Allah know that Allah's power is above their power. Allah's hand is superior to their hand so in our own hearts we actually look at them with ridicule the same way they look at us with ridicule and here to, if there is nothing of substance that we have, we cannot look at them with ridicule. We come to the time, (and we skip- this happens in the time and in the course and in the biography of all of these Prophets), of the final Prophet of Allah and we, (along these lines), we notice there is an ayah in which Allah says to His Prophet 

Don't obey those who fabricate affairs or issues, those who lie pertaining to vital issues/to the truth or don't consider yourself inferior to them, don't let them impose upon you. (Surah Al Qalam verse 8)

All of these meanings are contained in this. And then, the following ayah 

They would love it if you would just give way, negotiate, trim your principles because they are willing to do the same. (Surah Al Qalam verse 9)

If you give in a little, they will give in a little. If you just forget about some of what you have to offer, they will forget about some of what they have. If we take these ayaat into the context of today and we ask these people around who are supposed to be upright Muslims- Muslims of substance, members of the Islamic Movements in the world- "have you negotiated positions with the power structures around?" Some of them probably didn't think about this in this manner and some of them know they have. The Prophet of Allah as our guide, as a person who have shown us a way out of this- how do we deal with persons who have all of this finances and has all of these militaries and all of these impressive things. How do you deal with this? Well, they came to Allah's Prophet at one time in the many times that they approached him- they came to him via his uncle Abu Talib (saying) speak to your nephew. Tell him that we are willing to consider a give-and-take in this affair. He is telling us that "you know- there's Allah. There is one deity and one authority and we say we have hundreds of deities and authorities. Let us try and find a common ground here? Let us try to find a reconciliatory area between us. So he goes to his nephew and he speaks to him and in the presence of Abu Jahl the Prophet says, (and both of these are people who are well known in Makkah- Abu Jahl and Abu Talib) and the Prophet says to them after they speak their mind and their bottom line is let us find something here that we can live with without this tension between us. There was tension in society and there had to be a purpose for this tension. Rituals themselves do not cause tension. "I'll leave you to your rituals and you leave me to my rituals and both of us will go our happy way in life." I'm satisfied with what I have and you're satisfied with what you have so there's no tension. Rituals never create tension! So why was it that in this critical time in the Prophet's life in Makkah there was this significant tension in society that they wanted the Prophet to try to ameliorate or try to deal with this tension in such a way that it would not disturb them. So the Prophet said shall I tell you that there is a word that you can say by which you will become the superiors here in Arabia. A word! A sentence. The Abu Jahl said My God! A word- tell us. Any word, (you know), ten times we'll say it, anything. Just go ahead. And he said say that there is no deity and no authority except Allah. And then he said anything except that. Don't expect us to say this. They had three-hundred-and-sixty representations of deity and authority in the Ka'bah- three-hundred-and-sixty of them. Their approach was "Oh Muhammad- if you think Allah is your deity and your authority then we'll just add him to the three-hundred-and-sixty others that we have in the Ka'bah and we can work out an arrangement here." So why are you disturbing our social fabric? You're ripping us apart!"  They saw that there was a movement that was beginning. Slaves were breaking loose from their masters. Equality became a concept around which people either accepted it or rejected it and then this resulted inn strong feelings from both sides and they didn't want this thing to go on because if it keeps on going on like this, social justice is going to be done and they are no longer going to have these authorities and these deities that they have. Today's members of the Islamic Movement don't take these lessons from Allah's Prophet. If he has taught us how to deal with these dynamics in society, why don't we deal with them? Some Muslims today feel so inferior to the other that they just want acceptance. "Just accept us." The Prophet of Allah didn't have that frame of mind. He didn't go to that society, he didn't speak in his society saying "oh- I just want you to accept me!?" He didn't want just to become another political Party in that structure?! He was telling that whole structure the way it existed, (in today's language), "you are not legitimate. Everything that your structure has been built upon is illegitimate and I am willing to discuss this issue with you in an atmosphere of freedom and in public." This is unlike today's Islamic types. They don't want to discuss this thing in public and bring someone who represents another ideology or another philosophy or another religion- combine together ideology, philosophy and religion- bring them to today's frontline of the Islamic Movement and tell them "OK- let's discuss this thing in public. What we have differences among us, let us present it to this public out there." Whether it's the public in the United States, the public in Saudi Arabia, the public in Egypt, the public in Pakistan or in any of these other places- let us present our points of view to this public and have this public determine what is right and what is wrong. In the time of Allah's Prophet, they didn't give Allah's Prophet that opportunity. Wherever he wanted to express himself in public there would be harassment, there would be threats, there would be attacks on some of his followers- physical attacks- persecution, torture. There was no freedom offered at that time to express what Islam was about. Ten to thirteen years in Makkah (and) there were no rituals. It was some other significant issues that they were looking at here. It just happens to be in our human nature that we want to refer to those who are in power. Even members of the Islamic Movement in today's world still in their own shifty and in their own subtle ways refer to those who are in power. If they claim that they are on the Governmental levels, some members of the Islamic Movement occupy positions of power in Governments in that area in Asia and Africa but they refer to the US power- the US becomes their point of reference. When it comes to people who are not in power- you know friends and acquaintances who belong to an Islamic Movement of one color or the other- and when you come to them you find that in theory they express principle but when it comes to movement and planning and how we should move forward, then they refer to those who are in power. There's an ayah that speaks about these people  

Have you not considered or have you not seen there are those who claim that they are committed to what has been revealed to you, (O Muhammad), and what has been revealed to those Prophets before you … (Surah An Nisa' verse 60)

What's about them? What's the matter? What's the issue? 

… they want to refer their affairs/they want to adjudicate their affairs to At Taghut i.e. those who have a concentration of power … (Surah  An Nisa' verse 60)

This is what describes us. We say this as a matter of pointing at our mistakes.

… they were commanded and ordered by Allah to reject this Taghut… (Surah An Nisa' verse 60)

So why do you, the members of the Islamic Movement, refer to it? As we said at the beginning of the Khutbah, for these types of people who are not involved in Islamic sacrifices, in Islamic struggle, in Islamic sweat, in Islamic blood this Khutbah is gibberish. They don't understand what is being said; it doesn't relate to anything in their lives! That's because their understanding of Islam is alien. It doesn't come from Allah and His Prophet! They are satisfied that they are one-hundred percent committed Muslims just by performing rituals so when someone quotes an ayah like this to them what does it mean? Their mind hasn't worked in this area. Once again, because of the time sensitivity of this ayah.

Have you not considered or have you not seen there are those who claim that they are committed to what has been revealed to you, (O Muhammad), and what has been revealed to those Prophets before you? They want to refer their affairs/they want to adjudicate their affairs to At Taghut i.e. those who have a concentration of power and they were commanded and ordered by Allah to reject this Taghut… (Surah An Nisa' verse 60)

How are we, the Muslims of our time, to find solace in this Taghut? This Taghut doesn't offer us a public forum of any type! Have you ever seen committed Muslims who have a satellite TV station? Have you seen committed Muslims who are invited to express their Islam freely with an open mind and an open heart (on the) airwaves? Do Muslims have any airwaves? So if this is the type and the nature of the power structures in the time of Allah's Prophet- because we're dealing with human nature here-

Indeed a social being has a propensity to show/express the abuse/accumulation of power once he considers himself not in need/independent of Allah. (Surah Al Alaq verse 6-7)

As for he who is consumed by the concentration of power and he who gives preference to this world, then his residing/final destination is Al Jaheem (Surah An Naaziaat verse 37-39)

But this word tagha and tughyaan and Taghut doesn't pre-occupy the central thoughts of Muslims! It's one of these marginal words or ideas that comes along every once and then; but this is serious committed brothers and committed sisters. This is a serious matter in which we have been marking time simply because Muslims have not had the mental and moral clarity and confidence to come out and say "this is our position from the illegitimate powers that be. And these powers are bringing down humanity and time is on the side of those who are with Allah." When we are given the freedom to express ourselves- which we haven't... You give us one example of Muslims anywhere in the world who are given the freedom to express their Qur'anic mind and heart to the general public? Where does that exist?! We don't even have the freedom to collect the money to have whatever means (and) whatever technology that will give us an interaction with the public, (i.e.) satellite TVs, TV stations, radio stations, a major newspaper in the world? None of that! So do we have freedom? There are some Muslims who actually believe that we are free! That we can do whatever we want to do! Yeah- you can do whatever you want to do if you want to go Ash Shaytaan's way- you have all the freedom that is available out there but if you want to go Allah's way, you're going to have all of these obstacles and you're going to realise you don't have freedom. Then, when we do gain the power that is tamed and disciplined by Allah- when Allah's Prophet eventually liberated Makkah, and Thaqif, (one of the power factions there), said O Prophet of Allah… . Before the Prophet had power they wanted to negotiate with him so that they would erode his principles; now that the Prophet had power they approached him once again- Thaqif came to him and said we have declared our Islam- they said Ash hadu an la Ilaha illa Allah wa Ash hadu anna Muhammadan Rasul Allal . To today's average Muslim, that's enough; but they said to Allah's Prophet but we have our deity and authority called Al Lat. Can we reach a decision or a deal with you to have us worship this Lat for three years. After that it's gone. They had a type of logic to their request. They said it is hard for us to part with our gods, our deities and our authorities immediately, just give us three transitional years. He said no! If you say you are a Muslim you can't do that. They said but we are Muslims, give us two years. He said no. (They said) give us one year. (He said) no. (They said) give us a few months. (He said) no. (They said) give us one month. (He said) no. You can't do that but today's Muslims place this the other way around. They say "yes, you can have people entertain certain types of ideas that are contrary to Islam on their way/after they say that they are Muslims." You can't do that! This goes to tell you and me and the rest who understand these details that we have a long way to go to understand how we should take issue with these powers around us. Delegitimize them! That's the key word. Delegitimize them! Do it with your words, with your statements and expressions, with your mind- delegitimize them because that's what they are! They are illegitimate powers, illegitimate power structures, illegitimate Governments and illegitimate militaries and time is catching up with them.  


Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…

As an extension to the Khutbah just expressed, if we wanted to take the meanings of these ayaat and bring them down to actual human beings and human societies you would find that Muslims are incapable, (hopefully in the years and generations to come they will be able to do so, but so far they are incapable of saying "we have Mushrik Arabians who today are ruling in Arabia." Incapable! why? Because in their ownselves, in their own minds they have not processed what the word Mushrik means. It is always mentioned in an atmosphere of rituals. It's not mentioned in a context of political decisions and military policies and in the Qur'an it's mentioned in that context.

… and as far as Allah's rule is concerned, He has no sharik. (Surah Al Kahf verse 26)

So why do these Mushrik rulers over Makkah and Al Madinah brought in, in what is supposed to be their one-on-one relationship with Allah, (isn't that tawheed?), the Americans- the Imperialist American power? Why have they brought them in? Why is there a silence now about the military presence that these Mushriks have in the Arabian Peninsula? It's a studied silence. They used to speak about it thirty and forty years ago, why aren't they speaking about it comfortably any longer? Why are they calculating in their mouth-pieces (that) "this is an area that we should not be speaking about." One of the major developments on many people's mind is whether there should be a vote for a Palestinian state in the United Nations. It has been all over the airwaves in the past week or so. When we think about the occupation of Palestine we are conditioned to think that there are states of proximity or states that are on the border of Palestine and we are always told that these states are Egypt and Jordan and Syria and Lebanon. We are not told that the Israelis occupy islands that belong to the nation-state called Saudi Arabia because that will make Saudi Arabia enter the confrontation lexicon. That will make it a state contingent to occupied Palestine. Why does it want to be a confrontation state? Because it takes its orders from it's superiors who have stolen the role of God. Now they have become the authorities of those who claim that Allah is the only deity and authority. They say one thing with their mouths and they act another thing with their policies.

Oh you who are divinely committed why do you say that which you don't do. It is a major offense against Allah to say what you don't do (Surah As Saff verse 2-3)

These words may be years ahead of the maturing of the public Muslim mind but we are certain that this Muslim public mind will catch up with these Mushriks who rule over Saudi Arabia. They're not going to fool us. They are not going to camouflage themselves with these rituals, none of which existed in the first ten or thirteen years of the Prophet's life when the struggle was in earnest, when the principles of Islam defined who is with and who is against Allah and His Prophet. Those definitions will return sooner or later.


The news that comes out of Arabia keeps on coming out to tell us who these people are. (In) this past week, in this land of Arabia, a woman was arrested because she was driving. She was driving with her brother next to her in the car. When they stopped her they said to her, (of course we're paraphrasing here), "don't you know it's against the law to be driving? You're a woman." She did not have the excuse of saying "well this is my brother next to me." Meaning that if she wanted to take the sting out of their argument that "I have a mahram next to me- what's wrong with me driving?!" Still, that did not stand in their court of law and they took her and they penalized her accordingly. Another item of news in the past week: some type of international sports competition was slated for Saudi Arabia. You know these sports competitions they have have a rotating order. One year it's in one country and another year it's another. Well, this year the decision happened to be that these competitions happen in Saudi Arabia. The Government there said "no! It is not permissible because women are going to be participating in these competitions." Where is it in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Allah's Prophet that women cannot be sports women? They should just stay home and gain fat on their bodies? Can they not become active women? But this is, once again, the darkness that comes to us- and this is just in the past week. There's probably other types of news along these lines that have not come to the attention of yours truly here; but these types of issues keep going on and accumulating and how far is the Muslim mind going to stay oblivious of these facts? We pray and we beseech and we plead with Allah to change these conditions and circumstances to conditions and circumstances that are more in tune with His Book and His Prophet.   


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 23 September 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia KHUTBAH : FEAR OF ALLAH OR FEAR OF 9/11 PART 2



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (23 September 2011)

webpage: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=182501078290&ref=ts


PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com

It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Brothers and sisters, Committed Muslims …


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/podcast/podcast/146926 (09-09-2011)




For the past ten days or so the atmosphere has been charged with what is supposed to be the memory of ten years of terrorism. The concentration has been on the events that took place on 11 September 2001 and this may continue for another few weeks. What concerns us in the cacophony of propaganda is not to be affected by what they say. We have to continue our steps forward honouring our responsibilities to the Almighty. Obviously our inspiration comes from Allah's Prophet because this is the bottom line- the bottom line is (that) Islam, the program from Allah- does not fit into their scheme of things so they do all within their power to disturb our movement forward and September eleventh was a major attempt by them to derail our determination. Our inspiration is Allah's Prophet. Allah's Prophet taught us that we cannot become part of their Establishment or a contingent of their system. Anyone who reads the Prophet's decisions and movement forward realises that he took issue with the system around him.

You go public, you announce for everyone to hear what you have been commanded to do and you stay clear of the Mushriks.  (Surah Al Hijr verse 94)

You don't enter with the Mushriks into some political bargaining; you don't negotiate away your principles; you don't even remain silent about your principles. Just steer clear of the Mushriks.  that

… when it comes to those who will make fun of you… (Surah Al Hijr verse 95)

There are powers and personalities who will ridicule you- these are Al Mus'tahzi'een. Allah says 

… I will take care of them; those who consider besides Allah that there are other deities and there are other authorities … (Surah Al Hijr verse 95)

These are the Mus'tahzi'een. OK- so Allah's Prophet went public. He expressed Allah's intent and purpose. What happened after the Prophet had between forty-and-fifty committed Muslims around him in Makkah after about three years when he went public? Many things happened but one of the eye-catching events that happened was that many of these people in the surrounding areas- it was a tribal society with clannish relationships- took a position of let us "wait and see what is going to happen in the immediate circle of this person- Muhammad the son of Abdullah. Let us see what is going to happen in his immediate surroundings in Makkah itself." So the Arabians in At Ta'if and the Arabians in Yathrib and the Arabians in Yemen and the Arabians in Hejaz with all their power representations were watching and saying "what's going to happen in this Makkah?" What happened? One of these areas that not many people pay attention to is that the Prophet had a type of traditional or customary shield. He was shielded by his immediate extended tribal make-up. Quraysh that was opposing him in the general power structure of Makkah had to face off with Bani Hashim who were the immediate protectors or guarantors of the Prophet's civil character or civic character, (in today's language); meaning that if Quraysh wanted to physically attack Muhammad they'd have to take on Banu Hashim who are the Prophet's extended family. To this effect the Prophet said Allah has never sent a Prophet except that that Prophet has a type of immunity within his society. As far as this applies to Allah's Prophet, this type of protection, this civic protective layer was Bani Hashim. So when Quraysh wanted to send a message to the Prophet, they would contact his uncle Abu Talib. Many times in these following ten years they would come to Abu Talib and say tell your nephew such-and-such (or) express to your nephew the following bargain we have for him (or) entice your nephew to do these things (or) convince your nephew that what he is doing is not right. Throughout all of these years this they tried to puncture a hole in this protective layer- it didn't work and the rest of the people in this geographical area were watching; but what was damaging to Allah's Prophet was his other uncle Abu Lahab. Abu Lahab had a famous statement that he told people. Abu Lahab would say about his own nephew to the people in Makkah don't follow him! He is a sabi' and he is a kadhdhaab. Now the word sabi' in the language of that time meant in our time today- because now we have an Islamic language- we use the word Kaafir. Abu Lahab and the Mushriks of Makkah were not using the terminology of the Qur'an; so Abu Lahab wasn't saying that the Prophet is a Kaafir and a kadhdhaab because the Kaafir didn't have the Islamic undertones that it gained later on. So instead of that he said he is a sabi' and he is a kadhdhaab which is like he is a blasphemer and he's a liar. (When) this comes from the Prophet's uncle it has a devastating effect on the people around. They came to him and he used to meet these people in the Ka'bah- people who came (from) tens of miles away, hundreds of miles away came to the Ka'bah- and the Prophet would speak to them.

… you should conform to Allah because you have no Ilah besides Him... (Surah Hud verse 50)

They'd say but oh Muhammad- we are listening to what the closest people to you are saying about you. This is your uncle and he is saying that you are a blasphemer, (so to speak), and you are a liar. This was to take its toll on this message because these people sensing that individuals who are accusing the Prophet are from his own family, from his own bloodline (and) this is what they are saying about him so wait a minute here, we have to think much more before taking at face value what this person is saying. There was a whole propaganda industry at the time. Of course, they didn't have CNN and the BBC and the media that exists today in the way that it exists but there was a media. They had Officials, they had Notables in society, they had articulate speakers, they had poets, they had what you call the educated class and all of them were saying this Muhammad is ridiculing us. He's making fun about our deities, about our idols. The Prophet was expressing whatever you read in the Qur'an. What do you read in the Qur'an? What type of ridicule are they talking about?  


Abu Jahal one day and on other occasions came to the Prophet and he said the following sentence oh Muhammad- By Allah- either you will cease to bad mouth our idols and deities or we are going to bad mouth your God. Now, the first Abu Jahal said was By Allah. He didn't say by Al Laat and Al Uzza which was another phrase that was used at the time in reference to these which means Abu Jahal recognized Allah. He had no Prophet with the Prophet speaking to him or to society about Allah- they are familiar with Allah. There was a person before the Prophet of Allah who was a follower of Ibrahim (alaihi as salaam). It's called Al Hanifiyyah. He was a Hanifi person. He was harassed in Makkah in the Ka'bah by these Mushriks for the same reason that they are harassing Allah's Prophet, (i.e.) because he said there's no validity to these idols, there's no validity to the social system and the concept and the perceptions that tag along with these idols. But you don't hear much about him- Zayd ibn Amr. Why? Because they want to blur the line between those who are ritualistic and those who are principled. The Prophet didn't come with rituals. At this time there were no rituals. He wasn't speaking to them about fasting and praying and the rest of these rituals. He was speaking to them about what we call inn our world an ideological issue and they hung themselves on the antagonistic statements of the Prophet's uncle Abu Lahab. We're not veering far away from September eleventh because what has happened is in our times these Mushriks today, (they speak another language but they have the same mentality), are trying to say to the public "look! Look at what Islamic extremism is. This is one of your own." The people who we are told were responsible for those heinous acts on September eleventh are "one of you Muslims. How can we accept this Islam of yours when this is what it represents- mayhem, destruction, the killing of innocent people." This is what happens when Muslims begin to confuse the ritualist Muslim with the principled Muslim! The Prophet of Allah was a principled Muslim. The devotees who came to the Ka'bah at that time were ritualistic followers of Ibrahim, just like today we have ritualistic followers of Muhammad, at that time we had ritualistic followers of Ibrahim. Notice that Allah's Prophet never, (we've never come across one incident and we've done quite a bit of reading but we're still humble human beings), tried to win over the favor of the Mushriks of Makkah by saying "hey look- we belong to Ibrahim." He did this with the Christians and the Jews because of the scripture that they are supposed to have honored and there was hope that they can rethink and re-read their scripture, but with the Mushriks of Makkah he never came and said to them- even though he shared with them their rituals and he didn't share with the Christians and the Jews their rituals- but he came to the Jews and Christians and said to them

Say (O Prophet): People of Scripture, come to a common understanding between us and you… (Surah Ahl Imran verse 64)

Statements and words and clauses that make them feel at ease but when it came to the ritualistic followers of Ibrahim, he never said "wait a minute- we have a common ancestor or we have a common Prophet or we have a common history." No! Even though they, themselves, when they got fed up with him, at one time they said let us make you this offer that we pray and why don't we honor our faith and our belief on a reciprocal basis- one day we will do it according to your instructions and the other day you will do it according to our instructions? No. The answer was no because the Prophet of Allah took issue with them not on how to perform the rituals but on the mind and the soul that are behind these rituals. He took issue with them on the basis of Deen so the response to them came to them from Allah

Say (Oh Prophet): Oh you who are kafirs. I am not in conformity with that, that you are in conformity with… (Surah Al Kafirun verse 1-2)

Ibadah here is not worship. It has to do with social confirmation to Allah. So your social confirmation with whoever you agree to does not agree with my social confirmation. So these two are not going to meet.

You have your Deen and I have mine. (Surah Al Kafirun verse 6)

In today's world, this 9/11 issue is meant to drive a point into the public mind, and that is that these Muslims stand for destruction and they stand for taking over the affairs of the world and running down everyone else. We don't have to say this- no one has to say this to you- this is a flagrant lie. The Prophet of Allah wanted freedom of expression. They didn't give him freedom of expression. They hounded him; they hunted him. They tried to get to his followers- let us try to torture his followers- maybe that will get to him. They tortured his followers. He didn't say "I'm going to be silent about my Islam." He didn't even give a general answer to the problem that the world had at that time. Just like today's Islamists say, (there's a broad title), "Islam is the solution." The Prophet was more specific than that. What does Islam mean when a person, whether he's a Muslim or a non-Muslim have problems? They have social problems. Remember, the Prophet of Allah was looking at society- our society has their problems. They have problems of addiction, they have problems of unemployment, they have problems of lack of health care- all of these problems that you all know- so when you say Islam in that context what do you mean? If I pray- am I going to have health insurance?! If I pray am I going to cease to become a target of discrimination and racism?! Is that going to come out because Islam means prayers or does Islam mean more than that? What does this more mean? The Prophet was telling them what this more means. They offered/came to him with sticks and carrots. What do you want? (Do) you want money? We'll give you all the money you want. (Do) you want to become a Ruler? We will give you a position in which you can make the ultimate decision. What is it you want? We will give to you! He said to them say/understand/mean and apply what Laa Ilaha Illa Allah means and you will be successful. That's the last thing they wanted to hear. That's the one thing they did not want to hear. But today, how many people say Laa Ilaha illa Allah? First of all, do they understand what they're saying? Do they mean what they say? And then, do they want to be practical about it? These people behind 9/11 had a feeling for where the Muslims are. We have gone a long distance as far as their observations and their studies and their informers and the rest so they said "wait a minute here- we have to spoil this." So they came up with this 9/11. Now, because it is the ten year occasion, they want to bring it back- the excitement that was here this time ten years ago. They want to bring that excitement back. They want to stoke that frenzy against the Muslims so that there's raw hostility and animosity to the Muslims of self-determination, to the independent Muslims- not their lackeys. People who were involved in 9/11 were the production of their own systems, the United States and Saudi Arabia. One of these Saudi Princes was here a few days ago and he gave a speech supposedly at some type of think-tank and he spoke about "the strategic relationships between the Government in Washington and the Government in Arabia." They don't have a strategic relationship with Allah- phoney Prince! They speak about a strategic relationship with those who are killing Muslims on a daily basis with their militaries! These Princes were the types who were monitoring these terrorists and nurturing them. They took them onto a false adventure in Afghanistan. We don't want to judge Muslims who gave their lives fighting occupation- that affair is in Allah's hand; what we are looking at is the program that they did not know they were involved in. It's about time Muslims grow up and are able to see the larger program that we suffer from because of their media and their propaganda and their public relations. The Prophet of Allah says avoid the insight of a committed Muslim because he sees with the light of Allah.


Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…

In the few minutes that we have- don't let anyone, anywhere at any time convince you that Muslims had anything to do with 9/11. Anyone- he could be as devout and as religious and as pious as they come- that thinks that Muslims had a hand in 9/11 has leased his brain and his conscience to the Kafirs. We had nothing to do with that. In today's world we have Islamic Organisations, we have Islamic Parties, we have Islamic Movements, we have Islamic struggling groups of people, we have combatants even- tell us, out of all of these Islamic types, who was in on 9/11? Who agreed to 9/11? Who endorsed 9/11? Who was privy to what was going to happen on 9/11? You tell us? We need your information. The Muslims need this information because as far as we can tell absolutely none of them had a hand in 9/11, (and here is the teaser), except for those who were nurtured and monitored and indirectly supervised and then led on to this 9/11 affair. There were individuals in that channel but these individuals don't represent the almost two-billion Muslims in the world and there's not going to be enough media and enough verbiage and enough mainstream propaganda that is going to tell us or any other Muslims who know Allah and His Prophet that we had anything to do with this 9/11. There may have been some Muslims who have felt, because of their emotionalism, a particular flare up of emotions against the US and Israel and the rest on this day but that doesn't mean that they planned this event, that they financed this event, that they gave the visas to these people to come to this land and perform this event (or) that they were in on the Mossad and the CIA and probably the Saudi intelligence operating hand-in-hand on the crime that took place of 9/11. And why don't they offer us a public forum to speak the truth from an Islamic point of view? It's because of the same reason they didn't offer Allah's Prophet a public position to speak about Islam to the general people at that time. (It's) the same people, same attitude, same mentality. The problem is we have a Saudi-American grand sponsorship to confuse ritualistic Muslims with principled Muslims and this has lived on now at a peak level for ten years. It's about time it reaches it's anti-climax with our knowledge that ritualistic Muslims don't even belong to Allah and His Prophet and principled Muslims are those who stand for whatever comes to us from Allah and His Prophet. You can look at yourself- which camp are you in? Where do you belong? How do you define yourself? May Allah forbid that you belong to this worldwide American-Saudi sponsorship of a derailing of the Islamic determination. Look in the media- besides 9/11, everyone is so concerned with what is happening in Libya and what may happen in Syria; why isn't anyone concerned with what may happen in Saudi Arabia? We, as Muslims, would think our focus is on Makkah and Al Madinah and Al Quds. Why don't Muslims have a focus on these areas? Why do they blow with the wind? The wind of the media now is blowing in a certain direction and the Muslims are blowing with it. No! You should be anchored. You don't blow with the wind. You should see through these lies even though they are multi layered and they are well thought out and they are planned by people who have information and who have access to our inner thoughts; still, being with Allah, you can break this barrier and not be held accountable for a crime they committed. Say it and know it in the root of your hearts and in the fibre of your brains. They committed 9/11 not the Muslims! But in the past ten years we have had defensive, apologetic, inferior Masajid and spokespersons for Muslims and that's why the effects of that day linger on in our social psychology.   


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on the 9 September 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Road in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (16 September 2011)

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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Brothers and sisters …


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/podcast/podcast/142618 (09-02-2011)




From time to time we concentrate on an nafs al lawwamah. This is not brought to your attention. A Khutbah does not begin by saying "the subject of this Khutbah is going to be an nafs al lawwamah" but in the course of the Khutbah and with the gist of the Khutbah, the end result is we have taken a look at an nafs al lawwamah. What an nafs al lawwamah means is the self that is critical. A person who looks at his/her inabilities or deficiencies and then you begin to feel contrite about it because you didn't do what was enough, you did not do what was right. Some Khutbahs come under the broad caption (of) an nafs al ammarah. An nafs al lawwamah- this Khutbah will be within that range and then you have an nafs al mutma'innah.


The Muslims in today's world who are involved in Islamic work, (broadly speaking, of course not each and every Muslim in these Movements or Parties adheres to what we are going to say), but the Party line, (so to speak), is what we are talking about. We are not going to be mentioning, unless necessary, these Islamic Movements, these Islamic Organisations or these Islamic Parties by name. We will leave that up to your common sense, your previous experience and your insight. The Party line- there are two major Islamic directions and the first one sees or considers that the Muslims are living in the Makkan seerah of Allah's Prophet so they try to give themselves an explanation of underground activities. They don't want to be public; they don't want to explain themselves in an open manner. Most of their programs are behind the scenes, (so to speak). We know (because) they tell us that "they consider the Islamic activities of today to fall into this Makkan phase of the seerah of Allah's Prophet." OK- when we take a look at the seerah of Allah's Prophet we indeed find that there were, as a matter of agreement among all Muslims, two phases- the Makkan and the one in Madinah. Every Muslim agrees to that but when we take a closer look at the Makkan era- the thirteen years in which the Prophet was in Makkah- the first three years was what is called the years of secrecy. When Muslims met, they met behind closed doors; when Muslims expressed their devotion to Allah, they did it away from the public eye- but these were only three years. They were not thirteen years, they were not thirty years, they were not a-hundred-and-thirty years. Three years! OK- we ask "if these Muslims of today were following Allah's Prophet, then why have they extended these three years to become, (we don't know), generations now?!" Some of them have spent generations in what is supposed to be this time period! How long is it going to take? And how about the other ten years? If you say that you are in the phase that Allah's Prophet was in when he was in Makkah how about the other ten years? He spent thirteen years there- the first three were what you may call formative years but what happened to the other ten years? Why does that not figure in to your programs? The answer to that is not spoken- no one wants to speak about that. The answer to that is when the Prophet and his closest ones lived these three years, they began a public campaign- they went public with this Islam. So what does going public with this Islam mean that people have to prepare for it by a period of secrecy? What's so critical? What's so dangerous that you have to prepare yourself for going public? What is dangerous about this is that the publicization of the Islamic da'wah means the de-legitimization of the system. This is, indeed, very unpredictable. What will happen if Muslims- in their tens of thousands, in their hundreds of thousands, in their millions- (that constitute), some of these Islamic Parties and Organisations- remember, the Prophet of Allah in those first three years only had about a few dozen people around him at the most- but now you have some Islamic activist types that consider themselves in the mould of Allah's Prophet that have around them tens or thousands, others have hundreds of thousands and yet others have millions and they are still living in that cocoon of three years?! You come out of that. But they're afraid to come out of that because what does that mean? It means that you are going to take issue with the Establishment, with the system, with the Government, with the Regime, with the Administration that makes social and political and military decisions that impact everyone around. The ayah in the Qur'an

Allah is the Wali of those who are committed to Him, He takes them out of darkness and into the light; and those who are in denial of Him, their Awliya' are these concentrated and disproportionate powers of Taghut- they take people out of light and throw them out in obscurity; and they will dwell in An Naar forever (Surah Al Baqarah verse 257)

Before that

… those who are going to take issue with At Taghut and commit themselves to Allah …

 (Surah Al Baqarah verse 256)

OK- so the challenge that today's Islamic Movements and Islamic Leaderships and Islamic decision-makers in the worldwide Islamic Movement face is are they going to take a public stand, are they going to go public with expressing the de-legitimization of the Governments where they are located- this is the issue and this scares the wit out of the leaderships of almost all of these Movements of Parties or Organizations.


Then you have another trend in these Islamic Movements and they consider themselves to be living in Al Madinah. When the Prophet was forced to leave from Makkah to Al Madinah, in Al Madinah he gained power. He was dealing with the de-legitimization issue now with power, with authority. Some of these who are going on a, (what you may call), clash with the forces of the status quo considering themselves in Al Madinah have misunderstood reality then and reality now. How do you consider yourself to be in Al Madinah when you don't have an Islamic authority to which you refer yourself? We're speaking about Islamic Movements; we're not speaking about an Islamic State- how do you do that? Then, you begin to freelance your jihad! That's what people are doing now- they are freelancing their jihad only to be used by those who have the military might in the world to legitimize their declaration of war against Islamic self-determination. In the time of Allah's Prophet there was a clash and a confrontation with the Taghut, (this is one of the words that is seldomly used in the public discourse of Muslims; At Taghut- a Qur'anic word; tughyaan- a Qur'anic word; tagha- a Qur'anic word), so why are the Muslims-who are supposed to know better- avoiding the meanings of this word? Once again, because it means that Muslims are going to begin to have to do something. So when we look at Allah's Prophet we find that he was in a confrontation with the Taghut. Who were the Taghut? They were human beings. Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab were human beings. He wasn't confronting graven images/idols in the Ka'bah. In the Ka'bah there was Al Laat, there was Al Uzza, there was Hubal and the other idols there- did the Prophet say "I am at war with these idols?" It would have been a simple task. The fact of the matter was that he was at war with human beings who were in the highest ranks of society at that time. These were the Tawagheet. The ayah in the Qur'an    

… and you wage war against the leaders of kufr because they don't honour their words, they don't honour their agreements... (Surah At Taubah verse 128)

This ayah didn't say fa qatilu Al Laat wa Al Uzza- the idols that were in the Ka'bah. This is concentrating the Muslims attention on the Imams of Kufr. And as a side note here for those individuals who have a holiness around the word Imam and its plural A'immah- there's no holiness in this ayah concerning this word. This is dangerous. Do you mean to tell us we are going to have to face off against real people? Yes- that's what it means! So the Prophet was in a clash and a confrontation and a war with the big shots of Makkah and the memory, (just the memory. Remember, sometimes we have a feint memory but we want you to jog your memory and say/ask yourself "who do I know…" Even though Islamic information is presented to us lacking a lot of details but the glory of the Prophet's jihad left us with something that we don't pay much attention to and that is if we were to right now recollect in our minds the Prophet's time, we are familiar with the mustakbireen and the mujrimeen- the high ranking Kuffaar of Makkah; because if you mention the word Abu Lahab to an average Muslim he will remember that name, if you mention the word Abu Jahal to an average Muslim he'll remember that name, if you mention the word Abu Sufyan to an average Muslim he will remember that name but if you mention Suwaah,Yaguth, Ya'uk, Nasir- you've heard these words right now- even though these words are mentioned in the Qur'an, do these words carry with them the same information that the words Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab and Abu Sufyan and the other enemies of Allah's Prophet carry with them such as the idols that we just mentioned? This should, (at least in a non-polluted mind), tell you that the Islamic struggle is a real struggle with people who have real power. The idols that existed- Wadd, Suwaah,Yaguth, Ya'uk and Nasir- were instruments that are used by people who stole Allah's authority. They wanted to be the authorities. This is the area in which today's Islamic leaders do not want to enter because it is going to put them in a struggle mode, in a struggle character.


They don't want that. In the time of Musa (alaihi as salaam)… What stands out in your mind about the story of Musa? It was a struggle against the Pharoah. The Pharoah was a leader, the Pharoah was an Imam of Kufr, the Pharoah attributed to himself what belongs to a deity and a divinity. Do you, (in your mind- ask yourself), in the narrative of Musa remember idols? Were there any idols? What you remember is the Pharoah? The idols were not a major obstacle between Musa and his mission; the major obstacle was the Pharoah- the Chief Commander and the Chief Executive and the Chief decision maker in that land; a person who said and his policies meant that he is the supremo of the land. What did the Pharoah say? An ayah in the Qur'an

… I am your supreme lord or sustainer. (Surah Al Naazi'aat verse 24)

In another statement he says speaking to his citizens and constituents as if he is a god

… I show you what I see… (Surah Ghafir verse 29)

As if he is a deity and divinity and as if human beings cannot see or understand anything outside of the eyes and the head of the Pharoah!


We're now going off on tangents- now, gather what was just said and place yourself in the Arabia of the Prophet's generation and the Prophet's era. Place yourself there. Makkah was a center. First of all, we had a decentralized Arabia. In today's language, we had an Arabia that had many power factions in it and each power faction did not report to a central authority. They were, in the vocabulary of today, they were independent. They were doing their own stuff. Those who were in Yemen, those who were in Najd, those who were in Hejaz and wherever else- Al Hadramaut, Al Bahrain or to the North or wherever else- they were doing their own thing. Makkah was a central city to them not in the political meaning of the word. They didn't report to Makkah politically. Makkah to them was their religious centre- the Ka'bah was in Makkah. Makkah was their major trading outpost- they would go to Makkah during the time of the Hajj for major commercial purposes. Makkah was their cultural centre- they used to have these few yearly conventions of literary people who would assemble there in Makkah and Quraysh was the major faction inside of Makkah. What was Makkah? This is also an area that is not clear in the current Muslim mind. What was Makkah? Makkah gained its reputation and its popularity amongst the rest of the Arabians because of the legitimacy of Ibrahim and Isma'eel (alaihima as salaam). If it wasn't for Ibrahim and Isma'eel Makkah would not have been what it was. It probably would not have existed. So these Arabians at the advent of Muhammad considered Makkah a God-given to them because of Ibrahim and Isma'eel. Al Hajj was performed in Makkah with similarities to the way Muslims perform the Hajj today. There was tawaaf around the Ka'bah- this is before the Prophet. There was as sa'ee between As Safa and Al Marwah- you jog between As Safa and Al Marwah; you go to Mina' and Muzdalifah; you stand on Mount Arafat- you do all of these things that Muslims who go to the Hajj do today. Of course, there were some corrupted elements in there. The talbiyah- when we say Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk Laa Shareeka Laka Labbayk- was corrupted. So what did they say? (They said) Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk Laa Shareeka Laka; Inna Sharikun Malaktahu wa ma Malak. The rest of the talbiyah was just like Muslims today say it. When you think about it, they were honest with themselves, not like today's Muslims! When today's Muslims go to the Hajj and they say Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk Laa Shareeka Laka Labbayk; Inna Al Hamdah wa An Ni'mata wa Al Mulka Lak; wahdaka Laa Shareeka Laka; Labbayk, etc. they don't mean it and they don't behave it. At that time we had followers who in themselves thought they were followers of Ibrahim but they came and said Allah, we come to you, we are at your service, we are responding to you- Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk. Then they say and you have no shareek except for a shareek who You possess or are in control of and he does not possess and he is not in control. There were individuals who were not polluted by this religious deviation in Makkah. They were called Al Ahnaaf- followers of Al Hanifiyah or followers of Ibrahim. A few of them who were mentioned in Islamic history- Qiss ibn Saa'idah, Amr ibn Zayd, Ash Shimli. But no one knows about these. Why? Because it is going to tell you that there is a difference between the Arabians who claim that they are following Ibrahim and Isma'eel and what Ibrahim and Isma'eel stood for. Just like today- no one is going to tell you there's a difference between the rulers in Makkah and Al Madinah and what the last Prophet of Allah stood for. These people's social life was corrupted just like today's people's social life is corrupted. Today Muslims in Arabia lie, they commit adultery, they cheat, they rob other people's resources, they claim for themselves what is not theirs. Today's Arabians are like the Arabians at time of Allah's Prophet. Before the first battle between Islam and Kufr took place when Abu Jahal was defeated, he said and he asked Allah- he didn't go to Al Laat and Al Uzza and Hubul, these idols in the Ka'bah and ask them- no! Abu Jahal, the number one enemy of the Prophet asked Allah for victory in the impending battle of Badr i.e. to give victory to the side that is correct. If Muhammad is correct he asked Allah to give him victory (and) if the Mushriks of Makkah are correct, to give them victory. Of course, after the battle was won by the Muslims, this number one enemy in Arabia did not see what Allah has done. Another indicator of how these people had the rituals that we had… This same Abu Jahal- after the defeat at Badr, he took a solemn oath that he will not cleanse himself of al janaabah until he takes revenge from Muhammad. This is not a Muslim but he is speaking about janaabah- the major impurity. When a person has a relation with his wife, he has a full ghusl/a bath after that. Abu Jahal said he is not going to have a full bath after a janaabah. Which means what? These Arabians have the information of tahaarah, of janaabah, of najaasah that comes to us from Allah's Prophet and came to them from Allah's previous Prophets, Ibrahim and Isma'eel. So the rituals were there. So why was the Prophet knocking heads, (so to speak), with them when they had the rituals of Islam as individuals, even though their society was corrupted with the immoralities that we just referred to? But the problem wasn't with them denying Allah. There are many ayaat, (but) we usually quote one ayah to bring this to your attention.  

If you were to ask these Mushriks and these Kaafirs who created the heavens and the Earth they will certainly say: Allah… (Surah Luqman verse 25)

So what's the big fuss? What's the big issue about? They say Allah created the creation. Maybe we should mention these other ayaat because some people take this lightly.

If you were to ask them who created the heavens and the Earth and who has made the Sun and the Moon for purposes of human life here on Earth, they will indeed say: Allah… (Surah Al Ankabut verse 61)

So how come they begin to contrive these lies about Allah's authority?

That is because if Allah was to be presented to you as the sole Authority and Power, then you deny that; but if Allah is presented with a formula of shirk- other associates of divinity and authority (or) other parallels in Divinity or authority (or) other rivals to whom you appoint divinity and authority you become committed to Allah… (Surah Ghafir verse 12)

If you were to ask them … (Surah Az Zukhruf verse 87)

Whether these are the contemporary Arabians in the Arabian Peninsula today or the ones who were living there fourteen and fifteen centuries ago…

If you were to ask them who created you, they would say: Allah… (Surah Az Zukhruf verse 87)

So why did the Prophet of Allah literally pick a fight with them? They were conceding all of this. There's no problem?! So there's an issue here- an issue that brought both sides to war. What's the issue? The issue is that authority doesn't belong to the big wigs of Makkah, it belongs to Allah and this is what, in today's world, some of these rulers and their mouth-pieces say to the members of the Islamic Movement today. They say to them "what's the issue? Why are you in opposition? We all believe in the same God. Don't take this into this area of conflict and confrontation that you possibly may be taking it into." That's what they're saying. The issue is we have a serious disagreement with them and they know the nature of this disagreement. The problem is the rank and file Muslim is kept away from the critical area of this disagreement. The word Kufr and its derivatives is mentioned more than five-hundred times in the Qur'an; the word Shirk and its derivatives is mentioned over three-hundred times in the Qur'an; and when you have today's Islamic Preachers and teachers expressing themselves about Islam they want to avoid the word Kufr. The problem becomes complicated because there are those who are anxious to use the word Kufr but to misplace it. Instead of looking at the real Kaafirs like the Pharoahs of our times, like the Abu Lahabs in our time- these are the true-brew Kuffaar and Mushrikin (but) no; they take the word Kaafir and they look at Muslims and they say to this Muslim and to that Muslim "you are a Kaafir." What happened? This is the dilemma; this is the paradox that we are living in today's world. These rulers who have given their allegiance, (a key word in this regards is allegiance), Muslims owe their allegiance to Allah's authority and power but we have Muslim rulers who owe their allegiance to the Kaafirs and the Mushriks in today's world. This becomes a matter of life and death and we don't negotiate away our principles, our iman, our ideology. We don't negotiate those away to become part of the system. Some of these Islamic Parties consider themselves part of the opposition but they want an opposition that fits into the system. This is not the way Allah's Prophet's opposition was.  


Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…

A sentence that comes to us from the Prophet's struggle- his enemies said, when they were fed up with him, either we cause Muhammad to perish or he will cause us to perish, either we finish him off or he finishes us off. This is the nature of the struggle. We don't want people to pollute the meanings of this struggle; this is no time for that pollution! We have many of these polluters who come around and they want to poison the atmosphere. They want to take away from us the clarity of where we are and where the enemies are. They want to fudge this issue. There's no time and there's no room for these shenanigans. We know that the Islamic Movement of today has a long way to go- we know that and we say this, (as we said at the beginning of the Khutbah), under the broad context of An Nafs Al Lawwamah. You feel contrite about our lagging behind. (Do) you think that, (we who have been), praying in the street for all of these years is something odd, something crazy? A few days ago, (we're not speaking about other places in the world, we're just taking one example), on the day of Eid, the Muslims in Jordan were praying in the street. Why? Because the Jordanian Government which has control of the Masajid there did not permit certain free minded Muslims to express themselves in the Masajid in Amman, Jordan. They told them "you can't come into the Masajid." So they held their Khutbahs outside, in the open in the streets. In the meantime the speakers for the authorities- who had their musk on, who had their gowns on, who had their Islamic garments and their Islamic features and their Islamic appearances on went and ascended the Mimbar and spoke to the congregations inside the Masjid. What does this mean? Does it mean that there is a type of conciliation between the Islamic trend of the future and the status quo forces of what is quickly becoming the past?


Another incident… Tens of thousands of Egyptians went to, (what is considered to be), the major Umrah of they year i.e. the last week or the last ten days in Ramadhan. Many Muslims try to make it to Makkah to attend that Umrah of numbers. When they wanted to leave at the Jeddah airport, they were confined to an area in which the airlines didn't pay any attention to them, the Egyptian Consulate in the Kingdom didn't pay any attention to them. Some of them, (or many of them), are elderly people; many of them are women and some of them are children and they were left there for days- as if they don't exist. Some of them began to feel bad. They began to feel disturbed- "why are we being treated like this" - and they began to express themselves. The Saudi Government put together extra flights to fly them out because they were sensing trouble that is brewing in the Kingdom. So they tagged on an extra few scores of flights to Egypt to get rid of them. Some of them felt what was being done to them (and) upon arrival in Egypt they refused to leave the plane for hours. This is an internal feeling of Muslims that is not isolated. Others are calling for a demonstration in front of the Saudi Embassy in Cairo this coming weekend- in a day or two. These are facts. If they point to anything, they point to the usurpers of Allah's authority who rule in the land of Islam and in the land of imaan and in the land of the Prophet. The question is: when are we, the conventional Muslims, going to be liberated from the traditional consequences of our rituals. We have to be liberated from our rituals to see the fact about those who are imposing themselves on us. Some Muslims tell us "Jerusalem is the central issue of the Muslims all over the world." We have no argument with that; but why can't we say Makkah is the central issue of the Muslims in the world? Why? Until we are able to ask ourselves that question and look for an answer to that question, we will continue to generate these bad feelings about ourselves, we will continue to act superficially as if we are brothers of each other and we will continue to mark time until Allah, with the efforts of His sincere subjects, liberates us from this stale condition that we are in.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on the 2 September 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Road in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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