اللÙ'Ù‡ÙÙ…Ù'ÙŽ Ø£ÙŽÙ†Ù'تَ Ù…Ùتَعَالي الÙ'مَكَانÙØŒ | O Allah: You are verily the Elevated in position, | |
عَظÙيم٠الÙ'جَبَرÙوتÙØŒ | the Magnificent in omnipotence, |
شَدÙيد٠الÙ'Ù…ÙØَالÙØŒ | the Mighty in prowess, |
غَنÙÙŠÙ'ÙŒ عَن٠الÙ'خَلائÙÙ‚ÙØŒ | the Self-Sufficient from the creatures, |
عَرÙيض٠الÙ'ÙƒÙبÙ'رÙيَاءÙØŒ | the Ample in pride, |
قَادÙرٌ عَلَى مَا تَشَاءÙØŒ | the Powerful over all that which You want, |
قَرÙيب٠الرÙ'ÙŽØÙ'Ù…ÙŽØ©ÙØŒ | the Close in mercy, |
صَادÙق٠الÙ'وَعÙ'دÙØŒ | the Truthful in promise, |
سَابÙغ٠النÙ'ÙعÙ'Ù…ÙŽØ©ÙØŒ | the Opulent in favors, |
Øَسَن٠الÙ'بَلاءÙØŒ | the Sympathetic in ordeals, |
قَرÙيبٌ إذَا دÙعÙيتَ، | the Nigh when Your are prayed, |
Ù…ÙØÙيطٌ بÙمَا خَلَقÙ'تَ، | the All-encompassing of all that which You have created, |
قَابÙل٠التÙ'ÙŽÙˆÙ'بَة٠لÙÙ…ÙŽÙ†Ù' تَابَ إلَيÙ'ÙƒÙŽØŒ | the Accepter of the repentance of him who repents to You, |
قَادÙرٌ عَلَى مَا أَرَدÙ'تَ، | the Powerful to do whatever You want, |
ÙˆÙŽÙ…ÙدÙ'رÙÙƒÙŒ مَا طَلَبÙ'تَ، | the Taker in all that which You decide, |
ÙˆÙŽØ´ÙŽÙƒÙورٌ إذَا Ø´ÙÙƒÙرÙ'تَ، | the Thankful for those who thank You, |
ÙˆÙŽØ°ÙŽÙƒÙورٌ إذَا Ø°ÙÙƒÙرÙ'تَ، | the Rememberer of those who mention You. |
أَدÙ'عÙوكَ Ù…ÙØÙ'تَاجاً، | I pray You for I need You; |
وَأَرÙ'غَب٠إلَيÙ'ÙƒÙŽ ÙÙŽÙ‚Ùيراً، | and I desire for You for I am in want of You; |
ÙˆÙŽØ£ÙŽÙÙ'زَع٠إلَيÙ'ÙƒÙŽ خَائÙÙاً، | and I resort to You for I am terrified; |
وَأَبÙ'ÙƒÙÙŠ إلَيÙ'ÙƒÙŽ Ù…ÙŽÙƒÙ'رÙوباً، | and I weep before You for I am distressed; |
وَأَسÙ'تَعÙين٠بÙÙƒÙŽ ضَعÙÙŠÙاً، | and I seek Your aid for I am weak; |
وَأَتَوَكÙ'َل٠عَلَيÙ'ÙƒÙŽ كَاÙÙياً، | and I depend upon You for I trust in none save You; |
اØÙ'ÙƒÙÙ…Ù' بَيÙ'نَنَا وَبَيÙ'Ù†ÙŽ Ù‚ÙŽÙˆÙ'Ù…Ùنَا بÙالÙ'ØÙŽÙ‚Ù'ÙØŒ | (please do) decide between our people and us with the truth, |
ÙَإنÙ'ÙŽÙ‡ÙÙ…Ù' غَرÙ'Ùونَا وَخَدَعÙونَا | for they have deceived us, cheated us, |
وَخَذَلÙونَا وَغَدَرÙوَا بÙنَا وَقَتَلÙونَا، | disappointed us, betrayed us, and killed us. |
ÙˆÙŽÙ†ÙŽØÙ'ن٠عÙتÙ'رَة٠نَبÙÙŠÙ'ÙÙƒÙŽ | We are verily the progeny of Your Prophet, |
وَوَلَد٠ØَبÙيبÙÙƒÙŽ | and the sons of Your beloved one, |
Ù…ÙØÙŽÙ…Ù'َد٠بÙ'ن٠عَبÙ'دÙاللÙ'Ù‡Ù | namely Muhammad ibn `Abdull¡h, |
الÙ'ÙŽØ°ÙÙŠ اصÙ'Ø·ÙŽÙÙŽÙŠÙ'تَه٠بÙالرÙ'Ùسَالَة٠| whom You have chosen for the Divine Mission |
وَائÙ'تَمَنÙ'تَه٠عَلَى ÙˆÙŽØÙ'ÙŠÙÙƒÙŽØŒ | and for keeping Your Revelation. |
ÙَاجÙ'عَلÙ' لَنَا Ù…ÙÙ†Ù' Ø£ÙŽÙ…Ù'رÙنَا Ùَرَجاً ÙˆÙŽÙ…ÙŽØ®Ù'رَجاً | So, (please so) prepare a way out and a relief for us, |
بÙرَØÙ'مَتÙÙƒÙŽ يَا أَرÙ'ØÙŽÙ…ÙŽ الرÙ'َاØÙÙ…Ùينَ. | out of Your mercy; O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy. |
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