75,000 + Golden Sayings / Speeches /Sermons of 14 Infallibles / Masomeen a.s and Ahlal Bait a.s Abbas Homepage .Updated !
Hazrat Imam e Hussain a.s Says, Read Ziyarat Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s or Ziyarat Ashura or Asalamoalaka ya Abaabdella -hel -Imam e Hussain a.s Wa Ashab ul Hussain a.s Wa Ansar ul Hussian a.s Aslamoalkium Waramat ullaha Wabarkato (must be recite daily 3 times towards the Karbala on your Roof or Lawn at night, safety in grave is Guarantee! from Azab e Qabr (Punishment of Grave) 40,000 Guzz (Meters) from Left, 40,000 Guzz from Right, 40,000 Guzz from Legs & 40,000 Guzz from Head (in all directions). The Person who read this daily, I Hazrat Imam e Hussian a.s came to his grave for his Ziyarat. (Rewards is Hajj's & Umrah's) and 14 Ayma Masomeen a.s also came for His Ziyarat in Grave and help him in Grave in the time of tension, sorrow, difficulties & Day of Judgement. Attn!(12th Imam) Hazrat Imam Zamana a.s Says (Order), Why you do not Read Ziyarat e Ashura Daily Ashura ! Ashura ! Ashura ! and Pray for My Reappearance daily. Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) narrates that "one who recites at Fajar Dua e Ahad (Promise with Last Imam) for 40 mornings;(read daily till end of death) he will be accounted amongst the helpers of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s). And if he happens to die before the reappearance of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s), Allah will raise him up from his rave so that he may assist the holy Imam (a.t.f.s). For every word that he recites in this supplication, Allah will grant him 1000 good deeds and will erase from his scroll of deeds 1000 sins". Ziarat-e-Ashura Dua'a after Ziarat (Dua e Alqamah) Dua e Ahad (Promise with Harzat Imam Zamana a.s) Read daily at Fajr Say ! (Tasbeeh Tanslation in English) "O Allah ! condemn and lay a curse upon the killers of Hussain a.s, his family and friends" (Tasbeeh in Arabic) "ALLAAHUMAL- (Tasbeeh in Easy Urdu Translation) "Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s Aur Un-kaa Ashaab kaa Qatloo pur Lant ba Shammar!" Read must This Tasbeeh 100 times or more (un-limited) daily after every Namaz, you can read in any Language which you feel easy. It is my (Abbas Shahid) Will and Advise to all of them, please must Read daily Ziyarat e Waris Hazrat Imam e Hussain a.s with Ziyarat Hazrat Abbas a.s , Hazrat Ali Akbar a.s & Shuda e Karbala a.s or Ziyarat Ashura daily (read 2 rakat namaz hadia Ziyarat Qurbat illah like fajr namaz) (Huge Rewards, Ranks & Benefits in World, Grave & Day of Judgement) for any Wishes, Tension, Increase in Wealth, Any Hard Difficulties, For Marriage purpose, Interuption in Marriages & Engagement or Safety in Grave from Azab e Qabr (Punishment of Grave) Attn! You can read must for Dead Peoples like (Mother/Father/ http://hazratmahdi. http://alimola. Attn! Please Click Left these Images Links to See Live Ziyarat (New)
Hazrat Muhammed (S.a.w) Hazrat Muhammed (S.a.w) More Hadith's Page. 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page-4 Page-5 O Ali, I am the support of him whoever you support and the enemy of him whoever you antagonize. O Ali, he who loves you loves me and whoever hates you hates me. O Ali, your brothers are the dry-lipped ones. Reverence is identified in their faces. O Ali, your brothers will be happy in three situations: When they go out of their graves while you and I will be their witnesses, when they encounter the tomb interrogation, and when they encounter the Presentation and the Path when the other people will not find answers as they will be asked about their faith. O Ali, to fight you is to fight against me and to make peace with you is to make peace with me. To fight against me is to fight against Allah and to make peace with me is to make peace with Allah. He who makes peace with you is making peace with Allah. O Ali, bear the good tidings to your brothers; Allah has been satisfied with them so long as He accepted you as their leader and they accepted you as their master. O Ali, you are the commander of the faithful believers and the leader of the white-forheaded honorables. O Ali, your Shia are the choice. Without you as well as your Shia, the religion of Allah would not have risen. If the earth is empty of you, the heavens will not cause its drops of rain to descend. O Ali, you will have a treasure in Paradise. You are the two-horned25 of this nation. Your Shia are known as Hezbollah (the Party of Allah). O Ali, your Shia and you are the administrators of justice and the best creatures of Allah. O Ali, I will be the first one who shakes off the dust from the head26 and you will be with me. Then the other creatures will do. 25. This means that you will be stricken on your head twice. 26. This is an indication to the Resurrection: the Prophet will be the first one who is resurrected from his tomb. Live Azan Roza (Shrine) Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s from Karbala Iraq (Lunched New) Attn! Miracle happens in Karbala Iraq Noor (Light) is doing Matam (Zangeer Zani) Why Hazrat Imam Ali Reza a.s called Imam e Zaamin a.s ? What is the reason Behind ??? Here is prove to all the World !
---> Fazilat Ziyarat Hazrat Imam e Hussain a.s Karbala (Page 1) (Page 2) you must read it .<--- Miracle Happen's Hazrat Syeda Bibi Zainab a.s Roza (Shrine) (Shaam , Damacus , Syria) on Doom on Arbaeen Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s (Lunched New) O Ali, your Shia and you will be the guardians of the Divine Pool. You will water whomever you like and prevent whomever you dislike. You are the saved on the Day of the Grand Horror. You will be under the shadow of the Divine Throne. People will panic, but you will not panic. People will be sad, but you will not be sad. You are the only intendeds in Allah's saying: "But those to whom We have already promised blessings will be far away from Hell. They will not even hear the slightest sound from it while enjoying the best that they can wish for in their everlasting life. They will not be affected by the great terror. The angels will come to them with this glad news: 'This is your day which was promised to you.' (21:101-3)" O Ali, your Shia and you will ask in the Situation (of the Judgment) and you will bask in the gardens (of Paradise). O Ali, the angels and the doorkeepers (of Paradise) long for meeting you. The bearers of the Divine Throne and the intimate angels pray for you exclusively, implore to Allah by their love for you and become happy for the coming of anyone of you to them the same way as family members become happy for the return of the absent after a long period of being away. O Ali, your Shia fear Allah secretly and advise people for His cause openly. O Ali, your Shia compete with each other for gaining the ranks, because they will meet Allah without being burdened with any sin. O Ali, the deeds of your Shia are presented before me every Friday. I become happy for their good deeds and implore to Allah to forgive their sins. O Ali, in the Torah and the Gospel, your Shia and you are mentioned in a good reference before they were created. Ask the people of the Torah and the people of the Kitab27 to tell you about 'Eli'; yet, you are well versed in the Torah and the Gospel. The scripturalists honor Eli, but they do not know his Shia. They know him as much as that which is recorded in their books. O Ali, the good reference to your companions in the heavens is greater than it is on the earth. Thus, they should be happy for so and should be more diligent. O Ali, the spirits of your Shia ascend to the heavens during their sleep. There, the angels, out of their longing for them and the ranks that Allah has decided for them, look at the spirits of the Shia in the same way as people look at the crescent. 27. Kitab, among Muslims, is the sacred book of any of certain other revealed religions. Refer to Oxford Talking Dictionary.
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Join Duasonline yahoo Group now to take benfits from us! Join it please. http://hazratmahdi. http://alimola. O Ali, I am the support of him whoever you support and the enemy of him whoever you antagonize. O Ali, he who loves you loves me and whoever hates you hates me. O Ali, your brothers are the dry-lipped ones. Reverence is identified in their faces. O Ali, your brothers will be happy in three situations: When they go out of their graves while you and I will be their witnesses, when they encounter the tomb interrogation, and when they encounter the Presentation and the Path when the other people will not find answers as they will be asked about their faith. O Ali, to fight you is to fight against me and to make peace with you is to make peace with me. To fight against me is to fight against Allah and to make peace with me is to make peace with Allah. He who makes peace with you is making peace with Allah. O Ali, bear the good tidings to your brothers; Allah has been satisfied with them so long as He accepted you as their leader and they accepted you as their master. O Ali, you are the commander of the faithful believers and the leader of the white-forheaded honorables. O Ali, your Shia are the choice. Without you as well as your Shia, the religion of Allah would not have risen. If the earth is empty of you, the heavens will not cause its drops of rain to descend. O Ali, you will have a treasure in Paradise. You are the two-horned25 of this nation. Your Shia are known as Hezbollah (the Party of Allah). O Ali, your Shia and you are the administrators of justice and the best creatures of Allah. O Ali, I will be the first one who shakes off the dust from the head26 and you will be with me. Then the other creatures will do. 25. This means that you will be stricken on your head twice. 26. This is an indication to the Resurrection: the Prophet will be the first one who is resurrected from his tomb. Nahj Al Fasahah (New)Translation of Wise Sayings of Hazrat Muhammad s.aw |
We dedicate this website to the Most Noble Messenger Muhammad(PBUH) and to the people of his household, the Ahlul Bayt (AS), salutations and peace be upon them all.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
[shia_strength] (E-book read must) Nahj Al Fasahah (New) Translation of Wise Sayings of Hazrat Muhammad s.aw
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