US says Israeli bond 'unshakeable'
"We have an absolute commitment to Israel's security. We have a close, unshakeable bond between the United States and Israel," Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, said in Washington on Tuesday.
The Break on Palestine:
"To wipe the spit off his face, Biden had to say it was only rain." The Israeli journalist Akiva Eldar was tapping a vein of bitter Jewish wit when he wrote those words about the humiliation of the vice president on his recent state-visit to Israel.
Brazil President in West Bank: I dream of a free Palestine:
Brazil President meets with Abbas, lays wreath at Arafat's grave after row over refusal to visit Herzl's tomb. On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he had boycotted meetings with Lula because the Brazilian leader did not visit the grave of the founder of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl. The Brazilian leader has said he would like to play a bigger role in Mideast diplomacy. He is visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories this week.
Jordan's Abdullah: Israel trying to rid Jerusalem of Arabs:
The international community should not stand by and watch as Israel attempts to rid Jerusalem of its Arab residents, Jordanian King Abdullah II said in a statement on Wednesday.
Tensions persist in the West Bank:
Clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police have continued in the occupied West Bank despite the reopening of access to and from the area.
Iran grills Israel over synagogue reopening
Iran has deplored Israel's reopening of a synagogue near al-Aqsa mosque, demanding the international community to take action against the move.
Iran urges Sweden to take action on cartoons
Iran has urged Sweden to "seriously deal with" a Swedish newspaper which has republished a sacrilegious cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
9/11 Commission Warned About 'Line' It 'Should Not Cross'
By Sahil Kapur
Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.
Why The Facts of 9/11 Must Be Suppressed
By Guns and Butter
Understanding the Ruling Group Mind Behind the War Without End" with Dr. John McMurtry. Dr. McMurtry was one of the first academics to analyze 9/11 and the 9/11 wars. He is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of of Guelph, Ontario.
Bin Laden Will Never Face US Trial, Be Caught Alive: Attorney General
During a heated exchange with Republican congressmen, Holder predicted that "we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama bin Laden" rather than to the US public enemy number one in captivity.
Petraeus Confirms Link Between Israel-Palestine and U.S. Security
By Jim Lobe
Petraeus' willingness to publicly - and in uniform with all those decorations on his chest - make the connection between Israeli treatment of the Palestinians and the spread of "anti-American sentiment" and the deterioration of the U.S. position in the region - marks what can only be considered a major breakthrough in the debate over the relationship between the United States and Israel.
Why I'm Voting 'Yes'
By Dennis Kucinich
I have spent my life struggling for the rights of working class people and for health care. I grew up understanding first hand what it meant for families who did not get access to needed care. I lived in 21 different places by the time I was 17, including in a couple of cars. I understand the connection between poverty and poor health care.
Iran ready for nuke fuel exchange inside country:
Iran has said it is ready for a one-shot nuclear fuel exchange on its own soil, edging closer to the conditions of a plan drawn up by the UN atomic watchdog last year as major powers mulled a new round of sanctions.
China: Iran Sanctions 'Counterproductive'
China's new Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva says his country does not want Iran to have nuclear weapons. But he says his country is opposed to sanctions against Iran, calling them counterproductive.
Russia seeks stronger Iran ties to confront threats
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Borodavkin has called for stronger ties between the two neighboring countries. Borodavkin held talks with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Mohammad-Mehdi Akhoundzadeh in Moscow on Wednesday and urged closer cooperation between Iran and Russia to confront existing regional and international threats, IRNA reported.
US to Turkey: Step up pressure on Iran, support IAEA:
"With respect to Iran, while the international community has sought to present a single, coordinated message to Iran's government, Turkey has at times sounded a different note," he said.
Turkish PM: why pressure Iran, not nuclear Israel?:
Turkey's prime minister said Tuesday it was "only rumours" that Iran was making nuclear weapons, stressing Tehran's right to develop civilian atomic power.
Report: Saudis may allow Israel's use of air space:
Western security sources believe Saudi Arabia will readily let Israel use the country's airspace to strike neighboring Iran if a war breaks out between the archenemies.
Report: US shipping arms ahead of strike on Iran:
Hundreds of powerful US "bunker-buster" bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean ahead of a possible attack on Iran, The Herald reported Wednesday.
The Filibuster Flim Flam
By Ralph Nader
Today, the Senate lies paralyzed even as it is controlled by 59 Democrats-usually enough for comfortable passage of legislation sought by a majority party that also controls the presidency.
The Green They Steal, The Greed They Wear
A St. Patrick's Day Lament
By Michael Moore
It was amazing. Every story on the front page of Monday's New York Times told the story of the Age of Greed during which a system known as capitalism is slowly, but surely, killing us:
The American Dream Has Moved Abroad
By Washington's Blog
The American dream is what has kept Americans from rebelling against corporate corruption.
The Irish Famine Was Genocide
By Francis Boyle
While there are many legitimate subjects of debate surrounding the Famine, there is no doubt that the British Government committed genocide against the Irish People.
At least 10 rebels killed near Pakistani border after gunfight:
In the tribal belt, a gunfight between rebels and local tribesmen killed at least 10 rebels and wounded another seven in the Kurram district.
Extrajudicial Killing
US Attack Kills Nine People In Pakistan: :
The first strike, made up of five missiles, targeted a (suspected) militant compound and a vehicle in Mazoni village, about 10 km west of North Waziristan's main town of Miranshah. Two missiles were fired into Datta Kheil area, 40 km west of Miranshah, in the second attack.
Imran Khan: Why I believe America created the Pakistan Taliban:
The decision to send the army into the tribal areas of the North West Frontier, to flush out al Qaeda terrorists, simply fuelled extremism. "It's civil war in the making," he says shaking his head.
2 Burka-clad bomb attackers shot dead in Lashkar Gah:
Afghan security forces have shot dead two militants who attacked a charity office in the southern city of Lashkar Gah, officials say.
Two British occupation force soldiers killed in Afghan explosion, MoD confirms:
The soldiers, were killed in Helmand province on Tuesday afternoon. Their deaths take the total number of British service personnel killed in Afghanistan since 2001 to 275.
U.S. to extend 96-hour rule for Afghan detainees:
A controversial policy that gives U.S. forces in Afghanistan four days to question detainees is being changed to give soldiers more time to interrogate the captives, Gen. David Petraeus said Tuesday.
UN report criticises covert troops who committed Afghan killings:
Covert troops who killed two pregnant women and a teenage girl in eastern Afghanistan went on to inflict "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment" on the survivors of a botched night raid, a report by the UN said.
NATO to Run U.S. Forces in Afghanistan:
A major reorganization of allied forces in Afghanistan will centralize both American and other foreign troops under the direct command of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the senior U.S. and NATO commander in the theater.
Karzai a powerless president, says Mulla Salam:
The Afghan Taliban commander whose defection to the government three years ago was hailed as a major development in Taliban-dominated Helmand province has now regretted his decision and termed Hamid Karzai as a powerless president.
Iraq: Mousa inquiry:
Eight or more civilians died in British custody: Legal chief tells of killings and torture in early days of invasion
Iraq election: Allawi leads Maliki for first time:
The new initial results reverse the lead Maliki had taken in earlier counts.
Nouri al-Maliki accuses Iraqi election panel of manipulating results:
The election commission has been hit by hundreds of fraud accusations, but Tuesday's action marked the first time the incumbent prime minister had weighed in
Followers of Sadr Emerge Stronger After Iraq Elections:
Their apparent success in the March 7 vote for Parliament - perhaps second only to the followers of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki as the largest Shiite bloc - underscores a striking trend in Iraqi politics: a collapse in support for many former exiles who collaborated with the United States after the 2003 invasion.
13 Killed in Nigeria ethnic clashes:
At least 13 people have been killed by armed herdsmen near Nigeria's central city of Jos, close to where hundreds of people have died in ethic and religious clashes this year.
Somalia signs deal with militia:
Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca (ASWJ), which is made up of moderate Sufi Muslims, reached an agreement in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa on Monday to work together to battle al-Shabab and Hizbul Islam fighters.
Mexico urges US help in drug war:
Felipe Calderon, Mexico's president, has called on the US to share responsibility in the fight against drug gangs in his country.
Colleen Rowley: Minders Ensured She Didn't Say Anything About 9/11 the FBI Didn't WANT Told, Even to Government Officials With Top Security Clearance:
FBI whistleblower Colleen Rowley was interviewed by Scott Horton, professor at Columbia Law School and Contributing Editor of Harper's Magazine.
Official Documents Confirm Major Criminal Investigations of Turkish Operatives in Chicago:
Newly Released FBI Documents Support Explosive Claims by Former FBI Translator Sibel Edmonds
NY Times Reporter Confirms Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option:
For months I've been reporting in The Huffington Post that President Obama made a backroom deal last summer with the for-profit hospital lobby that he would make sure there would be no national public option in the final health reform legislation.
How to Bribe a Supreme Court Justice:
The wife of a Supreme Court justice has organized a political non-profit linked to Tea Party activists whose activities can be supported to an unlimited extent by corporations whose donations need not be disclosed to the public.
US ups pressure on China over yuan:
A bipartisan group of US senators has unveiled legislation aimed at increasing pressure on China to let its currency rise in value, threatening stiff trade sanctions if Beijing does not act.
U.S. suffers net capital outflow in January:
Net outflows from all U.S. securities, including short-term instruments such as Treasury bills, totaled $33.4 billion in January, reversing a $53.6 billion inflow seen in December.
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