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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

[shia_strength] 9th Zil Hajj Hazrat Imam Zain al Abideen a.s Supplication on the Day (fwd it...)


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His Supplication on the Day of 'Arafa (Supplication - 47)

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By: Abbas Shahid Baqir

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Praise belongs to God, Lord of the worlds!

O God,
to Thee belongs praise!
Originator of the heavens and the earth!
Possessor of majesty and munificence!
Lord of lords!
Object of worship of every worshiper!
Creator of every creature!
Inheritor of all things!201
There is nothing like Him,202
knowledge of nothing escapes Him,203
He encompasses everything,204
and He is watchful over everything.205

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou,
the Unique, the Alone,
the Single, the Isolated.

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou,
the Generous, the Generously Bestowing,
the All-mighty, the Mightily Exalted,
the Magnificent, the Magnificently Magnified.

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou,
the All-high, the Sublimely High,
the Strong in prowess.

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou,
the All-merciful, the All-compassionate,
the All-knowing, the All-wise.

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou,
the All-hearing, the All-seeing,
the Eternal, the All-aware.

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou,
the Generous, the Most Generous,
the Everlasting, the Most Everlasting.

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou,
the First before every one,
the Last after every number.

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou,
the Close in His highness,
the High in His closeness.

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou,
Possessor of radiance and glory,
magnificence and praise.

Thou art God,
there is no god but Thou.
Thou hast brought forth the things without root,
formed what Thou hast formed without exemplar,
and originated the originated things without limitation.

It is Thou
who hast ordained each thing with an ordination,206
eased each thing with an easing,207
and governed everything below Thyself with a governing.208

It is Thou
whom no associate helps with Thy creation
and no vizier aids in Thy command.
Thou hast no witness and no equal.

It is Thou
who willed,
and what Thou willed was unfailing,
who decreed,
and what Thou decreed was just,
who decided,
and what Thou decided was fair.

It is Thou
whom place does not contain,
before whose authority no authority stands up,
and whom no proof or explication can thwart.

It is Thou
who hast counted everything in numbers,209
appointed for everything a term,
and ordained everything with an ordination.

It is Thou
before whose selfness imaginations fall short,
before whose howness understandings have no incapacity,
and the place of whose whereness eyes perceive not.210

It is Thou
who hast no bounds,
lest Thou be bounded,
who art not exemplified,
lest Thou be found,
who dost not beget,
lest Thou be begotten.211

It is Thou
with whom there is no opposite,
lest it contend with Thee,
who hast no equal,
lest it vie with Thee,
who hast no rival,
lest it resist Thee.

It is Thou
who art He who began, devised,
brought forth, originated,
and made well all that He made.

Glory be to Thee!
How majestic is Thy station!
How high Thy place among the places!
How cleanly Thy Separator cleaves with the truth!212

Glory be to Thee!
The Gentle - how gentle Thou art!
The Clement - how clement Thou art!
The Wise - how knowing Thou art!

Glory be to Thee!
The King - how invincible Thou art!
The Munificent - how full of plenty Thou art!
The Elevated - how elevated Thou art!
Possessor of radiance and glory,
magnificence and praise!

Glory be to Thee!
Thou hast stretched forth Thy hand with good things,
and from Thee guidance has come to be known,
so he who begs from Thee religion or this world
will find Thee.

Glory be to Thee!
Whatever passes in Thy knowledge is subjected to Thee,
all below Thy Throne are humbled before Thy mightiness,
and every one of Thy creatures follows Thee in submission.

Glory be to Thee!
Thou art not sensed, nor touched,
nor felt, nor beguiled,
nor held back, nor challenged,
nor kept up with, nor resisted,
nor deceived, nor circumvented.

Glory be to Thee!
Thy path is smooth ground,
Thy command right guidance,
and Thou art a living, eternal refuge.

Glory be to Thee!
Thy word is decisive,
Thy decree unfailing,
Thy will resolute.

Glory be to Thee!
None can reject Thy wish,
none can change Thy words.213

Glory be to Thee,
Outdazzling in signs,
Creator of the heavens,
Author of the spirits!

To Thee belongs praise,
a praise that will be permanent with Thy permanence!

To Thee belongs praise,
a praise everlasting through Thy favour!

To Thee belongs praise,
a praise that will parallel Thy benefaction!

To Thee belongs praise,
a praise that will increase Thy good pleasure!

To Thee belongs praise,
a praise along with the praise of every praiser
and a thanksgiving before which falls short
the thanksgiving of every thanksgiver;

a praise which is suitable for none but Thee
and through which nearness is sought to none but Thee;

a praise which will make permanent the first [bounty]
and call forth the permanence of the last;

a praise which will multiply through recurrence of times
and increase through successive doublings;

a praise which the guardians will not be able to number
and which exceeds what the writers number in Thy Book;214

a praise which will counterbalance Thy glorious Throne
and equal Thy elevated Footstool;
a praise whose reward with Thee will be complete
and whose recompense will comprise every recompense;

a praise whose outward conforms to its inward,
and whose inward conforms to correct intention;

a praise with whose like no creature has praised Thee
and whose excellence none knows but Thou;

a praise in which he who strives to multiply Thy praise
will be helped
and he who draws the bow to the utmost in fulfilling it
will be confirmed;

a praise which will
gather all the praise which Thou hast created
and tie together all which Thou wilt afterwards create;

a praise than which no praise is nearer to Thy word
and than which none is greater from any who praise Thee;

a praise whose fullness will obligate increase
through Thy generosity
and to which Thou wilt join increase after increase
as graciousness from Thee;

a praise that will befit the generosity of Thy face
and meet the might of Thy majesty!

My Lord,
bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
the distinguished, the chosen,
the honoured, the brought nigh,
with the most excellent of Thy blessings,
benedict him
with the most complete of Thy benedictions,
and have mercy upon him
with the most enjoyable of Thy mercies!

My Lord,
bless Muhammad and his Household
with a fruitful blessing,
more fruitful than which there is no blessing!
Bless him
with a growing blessing,
more growing than which there is no blessing!
And bless him
with a pleasing blessing,
beyond which there is no blessing!

My Lord,
bless Muhammad and his Household
with a blessing
which will please him
and increase his good pleasure!
Bless him
with a blessing
which will please Thee
and increase Thy good pleasure toward him!
And bless him
with a blessing
through other than which Thou wilt not be pleased for him,
and for which Thou seest no one else worthy!

My Lord,
bless Muhammad and his Household
with a blessing which will
pass beyond Thy good pleasure,
be continuous in its continuity
through Thy subsistence,
and never be spent,
just as Thy words will never be spent!215

My Lord,
bless Muhammad and his Household
with a blessing which will
tie together the blessings of
Thy angels, Thy prophets, Thy messengers,
and those who obey Thee,
comprise the blessings of Thy servants,
jinn or mankind,
and those worthy of Thy response,
and bring together the blessings
of every one of the kinds of Thy creatures
which Thou hast sown and authored!

My Lord,
bless Muhammad and his Household
with a blessing
which will encompass every blessing,
bygone and new!
Bless him and his Household
with a blessing which
is pleasing to Thee
and everyone below Thee
and will bring forth with all that
a blessing
with which Thou wilt multiply those blessings
and increase them through the recurrence of days
with an increasing in multiples
which none can count but Thou!

My Lord,
bless the best of his Household,
those whom Thou hast
chosen for Thy command,
appointed the treasurers of Thy knowledge,
the guardians of Thy religion,
Thy vicegerents in Thy earth,
and Thy arguments against Thy servants,
purified from uncleanness and defilement
through a purification by Thy desire,216
and made the mediation to Thee217
and the road to Thy Garden!

My Lord,
bless Muhammad and his Household
with a blessing which
makes plentiful Thy gifts and generosity,
perfects for them Thy bestowals and awards,
and fills out their share of Thy kindly acts and benefits!

My Lord,
bless him and his Household
with a blessing
whose first has no term,
whose term has no limit,
and whose last has no utmost end!

My Lord,
bless them to
the weight of Thy Throne and all below it,
the amount that fills the heavens and all above them,
the number of Thy earths and all below and between them,
a blessing that will bring them near to Thee in proximity,
please Thee and them,
and be joined to its likes forever!

O God,
surely Thou hast confirmed Thy religion in all times
with an Imam whom Thou hast set up
as a guidepost to Thy servants
and a lighthouse in Thy lands,
after his cord has been joined to Thy cord!
Thou hast appointed him the means to Thy good pleasure,
made obeying him obligatory,
cautioned against disobeying him,
and commanded
following his commands,
abandoning his prohibitions,
and that no forward-goer go ahead of him
or back-keeper keep back from him!218
So he is the preservation of the shelter-seekers,
the cave of the faithful,
the handhold of the adherents,
and the radiance of the worlds!

O God,
so inspire Thy guardian219 to give thanks
for that in which Thou hast favoured him,
inspire us with the like concerning him,
grant him an authority from Thee to help him,220
open for him an easy opening,221
aid him with Thy mightiest pillar,
brace up his back,222
strengthen his arm,223
guard him with Thy eye,
defend him with Thy safeguarding,
help him with Thy angels,
and assist him with Thy most victorious troops!224

Through him
establish Thy Book, Thy bounds, Thy laws,
and the norms of Thy Messenger's Sunna
(Thy blessings, O God,
be upon him and his Household),
bring to life the guideposts of Thy religion,
deadened by the wrongdoers,
burnish the rust of injustice from Thy way,
sift the adversity from Thy road,
eliminate those who deviate from Thy path,
and erase those who seek crookedness in Thy straightness!

Make his side mild toward Thy friends,
stretch forth his hand over Thy enemies,
give us
his clemency, his mercy,
his tenderness, his sympathy,
and make us
his hearers and obeyers,
strivers toward his good pleasure,
assistants in helping him and defending him,
and brought near through that to Thee
and Thy Messenger
(Thy blessings, O God,
be upon him and his Household).

O God,
and bless
the friends [of the Imams],
the confessors of their station,
the keepers to their course,
the pursuers of their tracks,
the clingers to their handhold,
the adherents to their guardianship,225
the followers of their imamate,
the submitters to their command,
the strivers to obey them,
the awaiters of their days,
the directors of their eyes toward them,
with blessings blessed, pure, growing,
fresh, and fragrant!

Give them and their spirits peace,
bring together their affair in reverential fear,
set right their situations,
turn toward them,
Surely Thou art Ever-turning, All-compassionate226
and the Best of forgivers,
and place us with them in the Abode of Peace,227
through Thy mercy,
O Most Merciful of the merciful!

O God,
this is the Day of 'Arafa,
a day which Thou hast made noble, given honour, and magnified.
Within it Thou hast spread Thy mercy,
showed kindness through Thy pardon,
and made plentiful Thy giving,
and by it Thou hast been bounteous toward Thy servants.

I am Thy servant whom Thou favoured before creating him
and after creating him.
Thou madest him one of those whom Thou
guided to Thy religion,
gavest success in fulfilling Thy right,
preserved through Thy cord,
included within Thy party,
and directed aright to befriend Thy friends
and show enmity to Thine enemies.

Then Thou commanded him,
but he did not follow Thy commands,
Thou restricted Him,
but he did not heed Thy restrictions,
Thou prohibited him from disobedience toward Thee,
but he broke Thy command by doing what Thou hadst prohibited,
not in contention with Thee,
nor to display pride toward Thee;
on the contrary, his caprice228 called him
to that which Thou hadst set apart and cautioned against,
and he was helped in that by Thy enemy and his enemy.
So he went ahead with it
knowing Thy threat,
hoping for Thy pardon,
and relying upon Thy forbearance,
though he was the most obligated of Thy servants
- given Thy kindness toward him -
not to do so.

Here I am, then, before Thee,
despised, lowly, humble, abject, fearful,
confessing the dreadful sins with which I am burdened
and the great offenses that I have committed,
seeking sanctuary in Thy forgiveness,
asking shelter in Thy mercy,
and certain that
no sanctuary-giver will give me sanctuary from Thee
and no withholder will hold me back from Thee.

So act kindly toward me,
just as Thou actest kindly
by Thy shielding him who commits sins,
be munificent toward me,
just as Thou art munificent
by pardoning him who throws himself before Thee,
and show kindness to me,
just as it is nothing great for Thee to show kindness
by forgiving him who expectantly hopes in Thee!

Appoint for me in this day an allotment
through which I may attain
a share of Thy good pleasure,
and send me not back destitute
of that with which Thy worshipers return
from among Thy servants!

Though I have not forwarded
the righteous deeds
which they have forwarded,
I have forwarded the profession of Thy Unity
and the negation from Thee
of opposites, rivals, and likenesses,
I have come to Thee by the gateways
by which Thou hast commanded
that people come,
and I have sought nearness to Thee
through that without seeking nearness through which
none gains nearness to Thee.

Then I followed all this
with repeated turning toward Thee,
lowliness and abasement before Thee,
opinion of Thee,
and trust in what is with Thee;
and to that I coupled hope in Thee,
since the one who hopes in Thee
is seldom disappointed!

I asked Thee with the asking of one
vile, lowly,
pitiful, poor,
fearful, seeking sanctuary;
all that in fear and pleading
seeking refuge and asking shelter,
not presumptuous through the pride of the proud,
nor exalting myself with the boldness of the obedient,
nor presumptuous of the intercession of the interceders.

For I am still the least of the least
and the lowliest of the lowly,
like a dust mote or less!
O He who does not hurry the evildoers
nor restrain those living in ease!229
O He who shows kindness through releasing the stumblers
and gratuitous bounty through respiting the offenders!

I am the evildoer, the confessor, the offender, the stumbler!

I am he who was audacious toward Thee as one insolent!

I am he who disobeyed Thee with forethought!

I am he who hid myself from Thy servants
and blatantly showed myself to Thee!230

I am he who was awed by Thy servants
and felt secure from Thee!

I am he who dreaded not Thy penalty
and feared not Thy severity!

I am the offender against himself!

I am the hostage to his own affliction!

I am short in shame!

I am long in suffering!

By the right of him whom Thou hast distinguished
among Thy creation
and by him whom Thou hast chosen
for Thyself!
By the right of him whom Thou hast selected
from among Thy creatures
and by him whom Thou hast picked
for Thy task!
By the right of him the obeying of whom Thou hast joined
to obeying Thee,
and by him the disobeying of whom Thou hast made
like disobeying Thee!
And by the right of him whose friendship Thou hast bound
to Thy friendship
and by him whose enmity Thou hast linked
to Thine enmity!
Shield me in this day of mine,
by that through which Thou shieldest
him who prays fervently to Thee
while disavowing
and him who seeks refuge in Thy forgiveness
while repenting!

Attend to me
with that through which Thou attendest to the people of
obedience toward Thee,
proximity to Thee,
and rank with Thee!

Single me out,
as Thou singlest him out who
fulfils Thy covenant,
fatigues himself for Thy sake alone,
and exerts himself in Thy good pleasure!

Take me not to task for
my neglect in respect to Thee,
my transgressing the limit in Thy bounds,
and stepping outside Thy ordinances!

Draw me not on little by little by granting me a respite,231
like the drawing on little by little
of him who withholds from me the good he has
by not sharing with Thee in letting favour down upon me!

Arouse me from
the sleep of the heedless,
the slumber of the prodigal,
and the dozing of the forsaken!

Take my heart to that in which Thou hast
employed the devout,
enthralled the worshipers,
and rescued the remiss!

Give me refuge from that which will
keep me far from Thee,
come between me and my share from Thee,
and bar me from that which I strive for in Thee!

Make easy for me
the road of good deeds toward Thee,
racing to them from where Thou hast commanded,
and coveting them as Thou desirest!

Efface me not along with
those whom Thou effacest
for thinking lightly of what Thou hast promised!

Destroy me not with
those whom Thou destroyest
for exposing themselves to Thy hate!

Annihilate me not among
those whom Thou annihilatest
for deviating from Thy roads!

Deliver me from the floods of trial,
save me from the gullets of affliction,
and grant me sanctuary from being seized by respite!232

Come between me and the enemy who misguides me,
the caprice which ruins me,
and the failing which overcomes me!

Turn not away from me
with the turning away in wrath
from one with whom Thou art not pleased!

Let me not lose heart in expecting from Thee,
lest I be overcome by despair of Thy mercy!

Grant me not that which I cannot endure,
lest Thou weighest me down
with the surplus of Thy love which Thou loadest upon me!

Send me not from Thy hand,
the sending of him who possesses no good,
toward whom Thou hast no need,
and who turns not back [to Thee]!

Cast me not with the casting of him who has
fallen from the eye of Thy regard
and been wrapped in degradation from Thee!
Rather take my hand [and save me] from
the falling of the stumblers,
the disquiet of the deviators,
the slip of those deluded,
and the plight of the perishers!

Release me from that with which Thou hast afflicted
the ranks of Thy servants and handmaids
and make me reach the utmost degrees of him
about whom Thou art concerned,
towards whom Thou showest favour,
and with whom Thou art pleased,
so that Thou lettest him live as one praiseworthy
and takest him to Thee as one felicitous!

Collar me with the collar of abstaining from that which
makes good deeds fail
and takes away blessings!

Impart to my heart restraint before
ugly works of evil
and disgraceful misdeeds!

Divert me not
by that which I cannot reach except through Thee
from doing that which alone makes Thee pleased with me!233

Root out from my heart the love of this vile world,
which keeps from everything which is with Thee,
bars from seeking the mediation to Thee,234
and distracts from striving for nearness to Thee!

Embellish for me solitude
in prayer whispered to Thee
by night and by day!

Give me a preservation which will
bring me close to dread of Thee,
cut me off from committing things made unlawful by Thee,
and spare me from captivation by dreadful sins!

Give me purification from the defilement of disobedience,
take away from me the filth of offenses,
dress me in the dress of Thy well-being,
cloak me in the cloak of Thy release,
wrap me in Thy ample favours,
and clothe me in Thy bounty and Thy graciousness!

Strengthen me with Thy giving success
and Thy pointing the right way,
help me toward righteous intention,
pleasing words,
and approved works, and entrust me not to my force and my strength
in place of Thy force and Thy strength!

Degrade me not on the day Thou raisest me up to meet Thee,
disgrace me not before Thy friends,
make me not forget remembering Thee,
take not away from me thanking Thee,
but enjoin it upon me in states of inattention
when the ignorant are heedless of Thy boons,
and inspire me to
laud what Thou hast done for me
and confess to what Thou hast conferred upon me!

Place my beseeching Thee above the beseeching of the beseechers
and my praise of Thee above the praise of the praisers!

Abandon me not with my neediness for Thee,
destroy me not for what I have done for Thee,235
and slap not my brow with that with which
Thou slappest the brow of those who contend with Thee,
for I am submitted to Thee.
I know
that the argument is Thine,
that Thou art closest to bounty,
most accustomed to beneficence,
worthy of reverent fear,
and worthy of forgiveness,236
that Thou art closer to pardoning
than to punishing,
and that Thou art nearer to covering over
than to making notorious!

Let me live an agreeable life
that will tie together what I want
and reach what I love
while I not bring what Thou dislikest
and not commit what Thou hast prohibited;
and make me die the death of him
whose light runs before him and on his right hand!237

Abase me before Thyself
and exalt me before Thy creatures,
lower me when I am alone with Thee
and raise me among Thy servants,
free me from need for him who has no need of me
and increase me in neediness and poverty toward Thee!

Give me refuge from
the gloating of enemies,
the arrival of affliction,
lowliness and suffering!
Shield me in what Thou seest from me,
the shielding of him who
would have power over violence
had he no clemency,
and would seize for misdeeds
had he no lack of haste!

When Thou desirest for a people a trial or an evil,
deliver me from it, for I seek Thy shelter;
and since Thou hast not stood me in the station of disgrace
in this world of Thine,
stand me not in such a station
in the next world of Thine!

Couple for me the beginnings of Thy kindnesses with their ends
and the ancient of Thy benefits with the freshly risen!
Prolong not my term with a prolonging
through which my heart will harden!238
Strike me not with a striking
that will take away my radiance!239
Visit me not with
a meanness that will diminish my worth
or a decency that will keep my rank unknown!

Frighten me not
with a fright by which I will despair
or a terror through which I will dread,
but make me
stand in awe of Thy threat,
take precautions against Thy leaving no excuses240
and Thy warning,
and tremble at the recitation of Thy verses!

Fill my night with life by keeping me awake therein for
worshipping Thee,
solitude with vigil for Thee,
exclusive devotion to reliance upon Thee,
setting my needs before Thee,
and imploring that Thou wilt
set my neck free from the Fire
and grant me sanctuary from Thy chastisement,
within which its inhabitants dwell!

Leave me not
blindly wandering in my insolence241
or inattentive in my perplexity for a time,242
make me not
an admonition to him who takes admonishment,
a punishment exemplary for him who takes heed,
a trial for him who observes,
devise not against me along with those against whom Thou devisest,
replace me not with another,
change not my name,243
transform not my body,244
appoint me not
a mockery for Thy creatures,
a laughing-stock for Thyself,
a follower of anything but Thy good pleasure,
a menial servant for anything but avenging Thee!

Let me find
the coolness of Thy pardon
and the sweetness of
Thy mercy,
Thy repose,
Thy ease,
and the garden of Thy bliss!245
Let me taste,
through some of Thy boundless plenty,
the flavour of
being free for what Thou lovest
and striving in what brings about proximity
with Thee and to Thee,
and give me a gift from among Thy gifts!

Make my commerce profitable246
and my return without loss,247
fill me with fear of Thy station,
make me yearn for the meeting with Thee,
and allow me to repent with an unswerving repentance
along with which Thou lettest no sins remain,
small or large,
and leavest no wrongs, open or secret!

Root out rancour toward the faithful from my breast,248
bend my heart toward the humble,
be toward me as Thou art toward the righteous,
adorn me with the adornment of the godfearing,
appoint for me
a goodly report249 among those yet to come
and a growing remembrance among the later folk,
and take me to the plain of those who came first!250

Complete the lavishness of Thy favour upon me,
clothe me in its repeated generosities,
fill my hand with Thy benefits,
drive Thy generous gifts to me,
make me the neighbour of the best of Thy friends
in the Gardens which Thou hast adorned for Thy chosen,
and wrap me in Thy noble presents
in the stations prepared for Thy beloveds!

Appoint for me
a resting place with Thee
where I may seek haven in serenity,
and a resort to which I may revert
and rest my eyes,
weigh not against me my dreadful misdeeds,
destroy me not on the day the secrets are tried,251
eliminate from me every doubt and uncertainty,
appoint for me a way in the truth from every mercy,
make plentiful for me the portions of gifts
from Thy granting of awards,
and fill out for me the shares of beneficence
from Thy bestowal of bounty!

Make my heart trust in what is with Thee
and my concern free for what is Thine,
employ me in that in which Thou employest Thy pure friends,
drench my heart with Thy obedience when intellects are distracted,
and combine within me
independence, continence,
ease, release,
health, plenty,
tranquillity, and well being!

Make not fail
my good deeds
through my disobedience that stains them
or my private times of worship
through the instigations of Thy trial!
Safeguard my face from asking
from anyone in the world,
and drive me far from begging
for that which is with the ungodly!

Make me not an aid to the wrongdoers,
nor their hand and helper in erasing Thy Book!
Defend me whence I know not with a defense
through which Thou protectest me!
Open toward me the gates of Thy repentance, Thy mercy,
Thy clemency, and Thy boundless provision!
Surely I am one of those who beseech Thee!
And complete Thy favour toward me!
Surely Thou art the best of those who show favour!

Place the rest of my life in the hajj and the 'umra
seeking Thy face,
O Lord of the worlds!
And may God bless Muhammad and his Household, the good, the pure, and peace be upon him and them always and forever!




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