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Saturday, March 26, 2011

[MahdiUniteMuslims] 103 New books have been to Ziaraat.Com online books library


As Salam-o-alaikum,

103 New books have been added to the Islamic books library at
http://www.ziaraat.com. With this addition, the number of books in the library has reached 1,444 – alhamdolillah.

Click http://www.ziyaraat.net/findbook.asp to read or download all titles.

A great deal of appreciation and credit goes to the team of Sabeel-e-Sakina who are digitizing books for the site. Several other momineen have also contributed digital books for the library. Please pray for their health, safety and prosperity.
We have endeavored to include several books from Non-Shia ulema so that their point of view is presented from their own sources and to encourage comparative study.

New titles added are:

Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 1 of 10
Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 2 of 10
Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 3 of 10
Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 4 of 10
Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 5 of 10
Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 6 of 10
Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 7 of 10
Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 8 of 10
Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 9 of 10
Aap ke masael aur un ka hal - 10 of 10
Abdullah ibn-e-Saba and other myths
A brief history of the 14 Infallibles
A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam
Abu Hanifa - Shaheed-e-Ahle Bait(a.s.)
A general look at rites
al-Hussain(a.s.) in Prophetic Sunnah
al-Hussain(a.s.)'s Martyrdom - English
al-Imam al-Mehdi(atfs)
al-Imam al-Hussain(a.s.)
al-Muhannid alal Mufannid - Aqaed Deobandi
Angoor Khattay Hain - Shia mazhab sachcha hay
Correspondence between a Muslim and a Christian
Distance Learning Course - Vol. 19
Divine justice or the problem of the evil
Economic system in Islam
End of Times and the Mehdi(atfs)
Faislakun manazra (Barelvi Vs Deobandi)
Family life of Islam
Fazael-e-Sahaba wa Ahle Bait(a.s.)
Fraternity and cooperation in Islam
Glimpses of the Prophet(sawaw)'s Life
God of Islam
Historical stories for children - Abu Sufyan
Historical stories for children - Hajjaj bin Yusuf
Historical stories for children - Hazrat Bilal
Historical stories for children - Marwan and Ibn-e-Ziyad
Historical stories for children - Moawiya bin Abu Sufyan
Historical stories for children - Yazeed ibn-e-Moawiya
Humphrey ke aitrafat
Hayat-o-nazool-e-Maseeh aur wiladat Imam Mehdi(atfs)
History of the Khulafa
Ham matam kiyun kartay hain
Imamate - Vicegerency of the Prophet(sawaw)
Imam Hussain(a.s.) aur waqea Karbala
Imam Hussain(a.s.)'s revolution - Analytical review
Imam Jafer ibn-e-Muhammad(a.s.)
Introduction to Kitab al-Irshad
Iqtisaduna - Our Economics - Part 1 - 1 of 2
Iqtisaduna - Our Economics - Part 1 - 2 of 2
Iqtisaduna - Our Economics - Part 2 - 1 of 2
Iqtisaduna - Our Economics - Part 2 - 2 of 2
Islamic doctrine
Kahan tum kahan ham
Karbala and beyond
Kia Nasbi Musalman hain?
Maqtal al-Hussain(a.s.)
Muhammad(sawaw) is the last Prophet
Musnad Zaid bin Ali bin Hussain(a.s.)
Muwaddata fil Qurba
Peaceful co-existence
Principles of Sociology in Islam
Rights of women in Islam
Sallu alehi wasallimo tasleemaa
Seerat-un-Nabi(sawaw) - 1 of 7
Seerat-un-Nabi(sawaw) - 2 of 7
Seerat-un-Nabi(sawaw) - 3 of 7
Seerat-un-Nabi(sawaw) - 4 of 7
Seerat-un-Nabi(sawaw) - 5 of 7
Seerat-un-Nabi(sawaw) - 6 of 7
Seerat-un-Nabi(sawaw) - 7 of 7
Shamaaile Tirmidhi
Tayseer-ul-Bari sharah Sahi Bukhari - 1 of 9
Tayseer-ul-Bari sharah Sahi Bukhari - 2 of 9
Tayseer-ul-Bari sharah Sahi Bukhari - 3 of 9
Tayseer-ul-Bari sharah Sahi Bukhari - 4 of 9
Tayseer-ul-Bari sharah Sahi Bukhari - 5 of 9
Tayseer-ul-Bari sharah Sahi Bukhari - 6 of 9
Tayseer-ul-Bari sharah Sahi Bukhari - 7 of 9
Tayseer-ul-Bari sharah Sahi Bukhari - 8 of 9
Tayseer-ul-Bari sharah Sahi Bukhari - 9 of 9
Tafseer Meezan al-Quran
Tareekh al-Quran
Tareekh ul-Islam wal Muslimeen
The creation of the Universe
The dead become alive by the grace of the holy Five
The emandation of Shiite creed - Vol I - Introduction
The emandation of Shiite creed - Vol II
The living miracle
The Mehdi(atfs) is a descendent of Prophet Abraham(a.s.)
The Revealer, The Messenger, The Message
The unity of God from the Holy Quran
Tohfa-e-Panjtan-e-Pak - 1 of 2
Tohfa-e-Panjtan-e-Pak - 2 of 2
Why is Polygamy allowed in Islam?
Wilayah - The station of the Master
Wisdom and sound advice from Torah
Ziaraat in Syria

To read or download all books, please visit

If you wish to contribute books to this online library, please do
send me an email at webmaster@ziaraat.com and share in the sawab.

This newsletter is sent to 14,897 direct members at the site
and 59,815 indirect members through discussion and news groups

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You Can Now Donate Online For Jammu and Kashmir Fund! Please Donate Generously.





JUM'AH KHUTBAH (25 March 2011)

webpage: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=182501078290&ref=ts


PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com

It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/podcast/podcast/57145 (03-18-2011)




The khutbah on Fridays at this time every week has be. (in a sense), a bridge between Allah's revealed instructions to man's condition on earth with the necessary reminder of Allah's power presence in our lives. The Muslims in the world now are in a state of flux- as anyone who is tuned in can understand. There are movements of populations, a stirring of the conscience and a rejection of the status quo. It is not easy to say that our mental absence for so long has contributed to our physical reactions today. We have laboured for so long this position on this day to try and make headway as much as stimulating the Muslims to think because that is, (in the humble opinion of yours sincerely), one of the major issues that have contributed to the conditions that we, (meaning all the Muslims in the world not we the local Muslims/national group of people etc.), are in today. They are in some cases pathetic, in other cases a matter of concern and in yet other circumstances a cause for sorrow/bereavement. It is not by chance that we the Muslims of the world have withdrawn our minds from Allah and His Prophet. It is this very element that in one definition of events has placed us out here in the street. If we were people who were not thinking or just following the crowd we would be inside the Masjid. So one of the major reasons that we are not inside the Masjid is attributable to our humble effort to place our minds with Allah and His Prophet.

It is He, Allah the Most High, who has sent to non-scriptural people a Messenger from themselves who puts in sequence the meanings of this revealed text and thereby raises their status and he meaning, Allah's Prophet, teaches them, (meaning these scripturally illiterate people), al kitabah wa al hikmah the divine writ and "wisdom" … (Surah Al Jum'ah verse 2)


In the previous khutbah we spoke about the many ayaat in the Qur'an that quote the word hikmah and its derivatives for us. The familiar ayah from Surah Al Jum'ah that is most recited on this day every week

… and whoever is endowed with this hikmah is endowed with plentiness/abundance of what is good and prosperous… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 269)

We know that there is a significant/substantial body/number of people who don't want to think when the ayaat of the Qur'an are quoted for them. They make their major reference the ahadith of Allah's Prophet instead of having the Qur'an the major reference and the ahadith as a breakdown/helper in understanding the ayaat. They twist the whole issue around. They place the ahadith as the major reference and then incidentally they will quote for you an ayah or a few in the larger body of hadiths that they swarm in. We bring to the attention of these types of people some of the ahadith that they themselves do not want to quote. The Prophet of Allah says a wonderful assembly it is - an assembly from which al hikmah spreads/ radiates/goes forth. Now we can, almost with a confident/relaxed attitude and mind, say that all of these people who quote endlessly/adlib the ahadith of the Allah's Prophet, (and we're not here in the area of validating/ invalidating- that is another issue for another time), profusely in their khutbahs/lectures/ conferences/meetings/halaqat/one-on-one encounters that this is the type of hadith they don't quote often. Why? Because it will cause the listener to think/prompt the Muslim to pounder. Another hadith that doesn't make its rounds… An expression of wisdom is an objective of a committed Muslim. Let's take it into today's language. A word of wisdom is the target/goal of a committed Muslim. Perish the thought that committed Muslims should have a grip on the word hikmah and its many extracts in the Book of Allah and in the teachings of His Prophet?! These hadiths that were just quoted are taken from At Tirmidhi/ ibn Majah/Ad Daarami. We know that in the recesses of the mind of these very hadith centred individuals and their likes that they will throw back at this approach the authentication of the hadith, which is yet another area we do not care go into, but we will quote for them a hadith from Sahih Al Bukhari. Al hikmah is defined. From this hadith from the book of Al Bukhari, the Prophet says al hikmah is when you are correct without being/having the status of Prophethood. In other words you make a decision/reach a judgement/ pass a verdict/think with sagacity and you are correct but you're not a Prophet. That's what the Prophet is saying. Now, because in our history, (and we remind everyone that it is our history with its ups/downs/ failures/corrections it belongs to us all), we don't have a recollection… Alhamdulillah most of us are all here and have gone through many years of reading about/listening to the projection of our Islam in the past. When we tap on our memory and we say OK- in this history that we have – before/during/after the Prophet's years- do we have individuals who stand out in our mind as being individuals of a mental capacity/perception/wisdom/insightedness/foresightedness? Who stands out in our mind? We don't have a clear picture of these individuals when they existed simply because the narrative/information about our ownselves in our own 1,400 years-plus when it comes to those who have who have used their mental faculty/God-given minds is simple absent. We don't have people who stand out as being wise men. As we said, this did not come perchance. There is an explanation to this and the long-and-short of this explanation is directly attributable to the political dynamics that unravelled during these fourteen centuries or so. Just to give you a couple of names for your references for future referral- a person by the name of Qiss ibn Saa'idah who died twenty-three years before the hijrah, which means that he died when the Prophet was thirty years old. This is a person who lived in the climate and in the society of Allah's Prophet who was a person of wisdom but he doesn't appear in anyone's intellectual/mental/academic/educational radar- not to be found unless you're one of the exceptional maybe one-in-a-million who is familiar with a person of wisdom as is Qiss ibn Saa'idah.


Another person who is said, (in reference to some historical material that we all have), and this name is also going to sound alien to you; his name is Aktham ibn Sayfi. Has anyone heard of him? We can comfortable say you can take out of a million 999999 Muslims and they will say "no. Who's that person?" Even though there's an ayah it is reported by some of the Mufassireen and those who are familiar with asbaab an nuzul in the Qur'an- the ayah one-hundred in Surah An Nisa'. Everyone reads it. What does the ayah mean?

He who sets out from his domicile/residence/home on a course of hijrah for Allah and then he is overcome in that process/action by death, then his reward is due upon Allah. (Surah An Nisa' verse 100)

This ayah, (according to some), is in reference to this person who is unknown. You would think if you know an ayah you would know something about its history but once again when the human mind is deleted then we live in the vacuum that has brought us to the conditions/news/developments that you are seeing in front of your own eyes today. Probably many people on this Friday are speaking about what is happening in Yemen. Today in Yemen there was a type of massacre that took place or in Al Bahrain/Libya or in other places. Many people are speaking about this but what good is it if you speak about this once but there is not a mind that is at work before/when/after you speak about it. What good is it?! Our effort here has been to set this mental capacity into motion so that when the ayaat of Allah are quoted and the hadiths of His Prophet are mentioned in conjunction with what is happening in the real world around you get it; but when there is no mind at work you can mention anything/say everything but no one is going to get it. We are trying to go back to the roots of this issue and with the healthy mentality/wholesome psychology to emerge from this type of historicism with a fresh look at what Allah and His Prophet are saying to us to have a better understanding of what the Mushriks/Kafirs are doing to us. So this ayah was revealed concerning this unknown person. This person who was a man of thinking/wisdom heard about Allah's Prophet and what was going on in Makkah/the Arabian Peninsula and so he speaks to his own people about what he heard going on in Makkah/Al Madinah/Al Hijaz and in the ninth year of the hijrah he decides in the company of one hundred of his own people to go to Allah's Prophet and to state/affirm his commitment to Allah's Prophet on his way to Al Madina he perishes/dies. Those hundred who were with him continued with that journey and affirm their imaan/commitment to Allah and His Prophet there.


Another person who is more familiar to you (is) Abu Dharr Al Ghifari. This person became a person who acknowledged Allah's authority and power three years before the wahi/revelation from Heaven to Earth. Isn't this a man who we should honour in him his wisdom/insight/forethoughts/experience, in other words his hikmah; but as Islamic history has been official written he only appears in the margins. He's not one of these major figures. When it comes particularly to the issue of this hikmah and because of the way Islamic history politically unfolded we have in a book like Nahaj Al Balagha by Al Imam Ali (radi Allahu anhu)… This book also is marginalised by Muslims- well let's say the majority of Muslims. Why? Is there anyone trying to run away from trying to ascertain/recognise the words of wisdom that are in such a book? There are some Muslims who place a very important premium on the status of As Sahaba and that is legitimate but the problem is not in that, the problem is in defining who As Sahaba are. But this is yet another issue that we care not to delve into at this point but one of the narrations that took place… A person by the name of Abu As Siwar said that he heard Imran ibn Haseen/Hussayn (radi Allahu anhu) , (with the sawd not seen), say he was repeating some of the Prophet's hadiths. One of those hadiths is al haya' can only result in what is good. Isn't this a little awkward with all of these events happening in the world around us. We are speaking about individuals now whose history has been distorted because of political expediency and the monopoly of power to have us now dig up this information to realise what had happened to our internal thoughts?! This person/Sahabi, (we want to be up front with it), in the presence of other Sahabis quoted Allah's Prophet as saying al haya', (which means a form of moral modesty), can only result in what is good. This is what the hadith is saying. This is a type of hadith that many people have heard before but what they didn't hear is the context of the hadith at one point when it was enunciated in an assembly of Sahabah. Another Sahabi by the name of Bashir ibn Ka'b (radi Allahu anhu) said this is what is said in the books of wisdom. We don't have a recollection/register of this type of discussion taking place among the Sahaba. One of them saying this meaning you can find in works of sagacious people/wise men/ intellectuals/thinkers and then the first one responds to him by saying I am quoting to you what the  Prophet said and you are telling me what other wise men said?! Notice (that) as far as the information that we have "no one said go to those books, (they called books of wisdom, in today's language probably something like philosophy) and get rid of/burn them." No one said that. That type of mentality was not around but we have that type of mentality around us today. The words of the Qur'an and the Sunnah do not stop here. The Prophet is reporting in these two hadiths that you're going to hear right now that are some of these hadiths that are avoided by establishmentarian types of speakers… The first hadith says whoever wants knowledge has to excite/incite/aggravate the Qur'an. The other hadith –same thing. Incite/excite the ayaat of the Qur'an because in it there is the news of those who preceded and those who are coming in time. Only when you think it makes sense that these types of hadiths are withdrawn from public attention?! The many ayaat that corroborate/blend in together because the hadiths and the ayaat of the Qur'an are a two-some. They go together. But when you begin from the highest offices in the political systems that we've had to disregard these types of hadith systematically, this was not something that was done naturally. There was a plan behind all of this.


Another aspect of this whole subject is man's intellect- al aql i.e. your ability to think. Now one of the issues/problems of relating Allah and the Prophet's words into English is the issue of translation. Al aql is translated as the mind/brain and sometimes the intellect. What it literally means is the modulator/moderator/ tamer that is what it literally means. If you go deep inside the origins of this word it means men has the capacity/ability/endowment of reasoning. This function in us is no longer encouraged/stimulated by the status quo types of speakers about Islam from the Muslims themselves. We can't expect this to come from other sources but from us. What is wrong with us? We can no longer speak about the word al aql/al lubb/ idraak/yaddabbarun. All of these are scores of times mentioned in the Qur'an. Al lubb/ulul albaab (are) words that you are familiar with. What does al lubb mean? It means the core. So your core as a human being is your lubb/thinking capacity. Take away your thinking capacity there's no longer an obligation. All these furud that we speak about- Fara'id Islam/the mandatory responsibilities upon us; responsibility itself- you take away your ability to think you no longer have a responsibility. If you are sleeping/insane you don't think you don't have a responsibility. When do you carry responsibilities? When you think. We have 1,8billion Muslims in the world. What a waste of energy to have 99% of them discouraged through the Masajid/so-called Ulema' discouraged from thinking. This is what we have. (When) you look around and see bloodshed in Muslim lands and people want to explain/understand why is this happening. Like we said at the beginning of this khutbah one of the reasons- and it maybe the major reason- why all of this is happening is because now we are carrying almost fourteen centuries of not thinking. That is what we have. So don't be surprised if a Muslim raises his sword against another Muslim. This gives, (in a way), fuel to those who say Islam is spread by the sword. Of course we know this is a lie/propaganda objectives. We hear it many times but why do we give it credence/credibility? "Islam is spread by the sword" – (this is) nonsense! Islam is spread by reasoning/the intellect. We say it with humble pride that we are the only aggregate of people in history and in the world whose commitment to Allah comes through our thinking/ reasoning. We don't say "you have to believe and throw your mind on the way side." No one ever said that. At the time when we were intellectually robust we had Muslim thinkers who would consider it a responsibility to speak to non-Muslims in a rational way about Islam. One of them said, (of course this is also in the way side of history), the Mu'tazila school of thought, (if we can call it that), i.e. just Muslims who wanted to think, that is as basic as it gets- the impulse for thinking is there. It's whether we had social effort at it- that's the question. If you read closely in the literature of Al Khawarij, the impulse for thinking is there. Did they do it as a whole? No. They were very much involved in carrying arms/fighting. In the Shi'i context of history the impulse for thinking is there and it lives on until today because they still have the process of ijtihad continuing; but for political reasons with justifications from their own times they did not engage the larger Muslim world in fermenting the thinking process amongst other Muslims. An issue that they labour under even up to this day after much of the successes that have been scored by them. Then you have these who say "they are Sunnis" all over the world and it's as if their mind is blank. The impulse for thinking is there. Every Sunni tells you "my reference is the Qur'an and the Sunnah." The ayaat of the Qur'an and the ahadith of the Prophet, as we have stated, all of them want to stimulate your thinking capacity. Why don't you do it?! Because you've been labouring under the false presentations of all of these Regimes/Dynasties/Dictatorships today that have littered the Islamic geography/history up until this very day and what we see in the world today. What we see in the world today is, (a way to put it in a nut-shell is), a popular movement to break-away from this calcification of fourteen centuries of the Muslim mind.


Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…

Many of us encounter a psychological barrier. We don't want to begin to think. It's not natural or in the intellectual course of things. Take one little issue which is doubt. We read in the Qur'an Ibrahim (alaihi as salaam) speaking to Allah said

… show me how You revivify/bring life to something that is dead? Allah says (to Ibrahim) "have you not committed yourself?" Ibrahim's answer was "Yes indeed. But I want my heart to be at ease.… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 260)

  Qalb here is the low side of thoughts/feelings. Many times in the Qur'an you will find the word qalb.

… they have qulub but cannot understand. (Surah Al A'raf verse 179)

You would think that this is a reference to the mind. A mind does not understand. But a mind belongs to a integrated whole that has a convergence point. There's a conscience/an emotional being/an intellectual being. All of these have a conjoining point that is called the qalb. So this total summation of the convergence of these elements of these spheres of the human being are called al qalb and Ibrahim answered

… "Yes indeed. But I want my heart to be at ease.… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 260)

Which means he entertained some question marks and these question marks did not pertain to a material issue in the world; it pertained to Allah. There's also in the narrative of the hadith Sahabis coming to the Prophet and they say we have internal thoughts that we dare not express in public/that we keep to ourselves because even to speak these internal thoughts/express them by words would be something like, (in today's words), blasphemy. Do you know what Allah's Prophet's answer to them was? It wasn't like "Oh my God! What is this?! They have wasawis." In today's world the answer of some Muslim Scholar of today's making "what is this? The person is riddled with wasswaas." The Prophet said to them these types of internal thoughts that generate the doubts/uncertainties is the essence of being committed to Allah. Because without this how are we going to be driven by commitment?! Some of the hand-made individuals around the Prophet said if I did not understand Al Jahiliyyah I would not appreciate Islam. (In) today's world (with) the way these institutionalised Masajid that are remotely controlled by Imperialists/Zionists with their agents proliferating throughout our Muslim territories to express/encourage this type of character/movement forward in anathema. You will never hear it from these types. We tell you- brothers and sisters- this contributes and has been contributing to the status quo that now is beginning to come apart and the future looks promising. We've hit rock bottom! How can anything become worse than they are today? And, mind you, in some of these areas, (and we didn't mention anything in particular or go into the details; Today there's probably demonstrations around the world with concentration in the Jum'ah on what is happening in the sensitive areas of popular movement in places like Al Bahrain/Yemen/Libya. A Muslim in the conventional/traditional sense doesn't have schemata/mental framework to absorb what is happening in this information rich mind that he should have! So what do we want to do? (Do) we want to express what is happening in these areas just on a reactionary basis?! Something happens like this last week/this week so we begin to speak about it?! Or we have to take a long range look at it and cure this problem at its roots- not deal with the symptoms of the problem but deal with it at the core of the problem? This is where we are and this is what has to be done.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 18 March 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

� Ali Valiyollah Group � NOWRUZ MUBARAK [2 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Syed Zuhair Mehdi Rizvi included below]

Nowrūz a day of great Happiness and Pleasure...

Nowrūz (Kurdish Newroz "New Day", originally "New Light") is the name of the New Year in Iranian calendars and the corresponding traditional celebrations.

Nowrūz is also widely referred to as the Persian New Year. 

It is Celebrated on the day of the Astronomical Astronomical vernal equinox …

My Heartily Felicitation to you on the occasion on NOWRUZ...


Zuhair Mehdi   
Web Developer & Designer
Institute of Business & Technology, Biztek
Noman Builders
Cell # : +923432462004

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Attachment(s) from Syed Zuhair Mehdi Rizvi

2 of 2 Photo(s)

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الحمدلله الذی جعلنا من المتمسکین بولایه امیرالمومنین و الائمه المعصومین علیهم السلام


به دوستداران اميرالمومنين علي (ع) بشارت رستگاري باد.از شما بزرگواران دعوت مي شود تحقيقات و مطالب و آيات و روايات پيرامون ايشان و سلاله پاكش را براي اين گروه ارسال دارند تا شيعيان ايشان از آن بهره مند گردند . از آنجا كه گروه آزاد است خواهشمند است در ارسال مطالب دقت فرماييد
     التماس دعا
دوستداران اهل بيت عصمت و طهارت


Sunday, March 20, 2011

[MahdiUniteMuslims] [Must Pass to each SUNNI & SHIA] 19 March ZAVIA - BAHRAIN & SAUDI INVASION / Power in Pakistan- Polotical Analysis Program by Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi


(see the horrifying action in the bottom of above link)
Dream of Israelis and Saudis to create Sunni Shia Split in Ummah
do we want to help them ?
Date : 19 March 2011
Program Highlights :

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You Can Now Donate Online For Jammu and Kashmir Fund! Please Donate Generously.


Friday, March 18, 2011




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (18 March 2011)

webpage: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=182501078290&ref=ts


PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com

It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/podcast/podcast/53423 (03-11-2011)




There are very important movements of people that we watch everyday/whenever the opportunity comes to present itself. People in such countries as Egypt/Yemen/Tunisia just to name a few places that we with our God-given minds are trying to think through- if we do that because there are many of us who don't even do that! The problem is not a recent problem. The problem has its historical depth. With Allah's help, to begin we want to draw your attention with the fact that when Allah revealed the information that we have to the Prophet who we have He did not refer to it only as al kitab. There are many ayaat in the Qur'an that refer to the Qur'an itself as al kitab/the divine writ but He also refers to it as al hikmah. In about twenty times in the Qur'an in Allah's words, His revelation is described as hikmah. In one of these ayaat in Surah Al Jum'ah

It is He, Allah the Most High, who has sent to non-scriptural people a Messenger from themselves who puts in sequence the meanings of this revealed text… (Surah Al Jum'ah verse 2)

Tilawah does not mean recital even though that is the way people use it. That's a very superficial/artificial way of explaining the word. The tilawah means the sequencing of Allah's revealed meanings as they pertain to man's actions/activities

… and thereby raises their status and he meaning, Allah's Prophet, teaches them, (meaning these scripturally illiterate people)… (Surah Al Jum'ah verse 2)

Teaches them what?

… al kitaba wa al hikma the divine writ and "wisdom" … (Surah Al Jum'ah verse 2)

This is the way the word hikmah is used in the English language- wisdom; but that conceals the dynamic meaning of the word. Hikmah in a more refined way means cognitive thoughts/ constructive thinking. Now it seems like all of this has been deleted. This teaching of Allah's Prophet to us, (to put it in very simple terms), of how to think- hikmah is how to think- all of this has been absent from our history and our present condition. Now, we want to go back to the beginning when all of this mistake began to take shape.


The first contingent/group of Muslims who give us an example/demonstration of the absence of this hikmah/thought process are those who are referred to in our Islamic history as Al Khawaarij. They are a part of us. Whether we agree/disagree with them is another issue. We're not going to deal with that because this is not the time for it and we have covered some of this territory previously. They exemplified how thinking is absent from the way they interact with Allah's words. One of the historical incidents early on- this is the first century of Islam, we're not speaking now. Now when all these events take place all around us our minds scramble to find an Islamic/Qur'anic/Prophetic reasoning for what is happening- that is if we activate our minds because many of us are conditioned not to think especially when we go to Masajid and we listen to khutbahs! So these Khawaarij, (and once again we have to say/ repeat), demonstrate one of the first demonstrations of how the human mind is absent when it comes to Allah, His words and His Prophet's conduct. These types of Muslims kill a Muslim and they spare a Christian in their contorted understanding, (if we can even call it that), of Allah's kitab. In the absence of Allah's hikmah this is what happens and this is the detail of this incident…


There is a very well known person called Abdullah ibn Khabbab/al Khabbab. He was known at that time to have taken the side of Al Imam Ali (radi Allahu anhu) against Mu'awiyah and we all know at least some of this history, (we hope). This person stood with Ali when the decision was made for arbitration/when the pages of the Qur'an/Holy Scripture were raised on the swords when the two sides- the side of Ali and the side of Mu'awiyah- met in the battle. The result of that is what is called in the Islamic history at tahkeem which is arbitration, i.e.  instead of solving this difference of opinion at the battlefield we will solve it by speaking about it or by going through it with our minds instead of our swords. This person, Abdullah ibn Khabbab, disagreed with the Khawarij because the Khawaarij said this tahkeem/ arbitration is not legitimate so they broke away from Ali and this person disagreed with Al Khawaarij and their evaluation of Uthman (radi Allahu anhu's) reign/the time period/the twelve years in which Uthman ruled. He disagreed with their characterisation of it because they characterised the first six years as legitimate years of ruling and the second six years as illegitimate years of ruling. So they encounter him and he happened to have some verses of the Qur'an, or some people say the Qur'an itself tied around him/his neck and they ask him what is your opinion of at tahkeem? He expressed his Islamic well grounded opinion/ point of view about the tahkeem which is that it is legitimate which of course they disagreed with. Then they ask him about the time in which Uthman ruled. Then he said whatever his rule was he's not going to delegitimize him throughout those twelve years which is another point of contention with them because to them the first six years were correct and the second six years were wrong. So they told him the Qur'an that you carry on your chest orders us to kill you and they killed him. Now brothers and sisters: we bring this one example of our Islamic history to point out the fact that such an act is an act void of hikmah/rational thought. The same group of people go from there as if this was a following incident. In that same time frame, (whether it was in that day/week), they go from killing an innocent Muslim to a Christian who has an orchid of date palms and they wanted to buy some dates from the Christian. The Christian said I will offer these dates to you without naming a price. I don't want you to pay me for these dates. Maybe he was afraid of them- we don't know. He said you don't have to pay me for these dates you can take them. They insisted to pay that person for the dates in the same frame of mind that they insisted to kill an innocent Muslim just because he disagreed with their opinion. How do you kill an innocent/average/another Muslim who has another opinion that disagrees with your opinion? How do you say that Allah and His Prophet demand us to kill you and then when it comes to a person like this Christian farmer they say honour the conscientious status that your Prophet gave to People of the Book! Where's the thought here? How does a Muslim's life lose its sanctity and then all of a sudden an issue like this, (which is not a major issue), whether someone is offering you something free of charge and you want to pay/don't want to pay and then you make this as a major issue if we don't have the absence of hikmah/the simple matter of having the Muslim mind work on Allah's words and the Prophet's teachings?! That is what we had.


On another incident just like this, this same category of people comes across another person who is well known in the rational literature of Muslims. He's the founder of the rationalist school of thought in Islam- Al Mu'tazila. A person by the name of Waasil ibn Ata' who was with some of his colleagues and then he noticed the approach of these types of people at a distance and then he asked his colleagues and said let me interact with them. Leave the words to me. Don't talk to them. Let me talk to them. So they approached and he knew (that with) the way they think if he was going to encounter them they are not going to respond to a rational presentation of facts from Allah and His Prophet- they don't have it. So these Khawaarij asked Waasil ibn Ata' and his companions who are you? They say we are Mushriks. These are Muslims- not only average Muslims but these are very enlightened/ thinking Muslims. They say we are Mushriks. These Khawaarij did not know who these people are. After he said we are Mushriks he said we want you to teach us of what you have. These were Muslims and they began to explain to them the meanings of Islam. Of course in the general sense they were explaining Islam as everyone understands it. They weren't explaining the technicalities of their differences with other Muslims. So these intellectual Muslims listened to these Khawaarij speak and then these Muslims say they want to leave with safety and security because the problem with the Khawaarij was that if they explained Islam to someone and this someone/these people did not accept Islam they may kill them! Brothers and sisters: when we're speaking about this incident we're not recalling for you some buried historical detail. This is something that relates to today's world. There are real people acting exactly like this! They have other names but the characters are the same. If they had the power/weapons they would kill other Muslims who disagree with them and they have done and are doing it. So these Khawaarij were reluctant but then some of them remembered the sixth ayah of Surah At tawbah which means

If there is a Mushrik who comes to you and asks you for information about this Deen and for safety you provide it for him… (Surah At Tawbah verse 10)

That's exactly what happened. Now of course there are other issues that are related to this. Is it permissible for Muslims to lie? I mean in this type of absence of thought, simplistic questions arise. 'Why were these Muslims lying?" They were asked who are you? They said we are Mushriks. Obviously if you have a choice between lying and dying you'd lie rather than die because those who are going to kill you are not going to kill you for purposes that were intended from on high. Then there is another issue of taqiyyah (that) some person's going to throw into this. These are not Shi'is by the way; Al Mu'tazila, Waasil ibn Ata' etc. are considered mainstream Muslims. The, (meaning of the), ayah if you're in danger you can misrepresent the facts to get out of mortal threats/life and death issues which they did. This demonstrates to us, (we have to reiterate/emphasize/repeat), that we have been plagued with the absence of a rationale approach of understanding what Allah has revealed to us ever since the first century of this Islam. We had people just like this- they preserve the life of a Mushrik, they raise the status of a kitabi and they shed the blood of Muslim! (This is) nothing new! Some people look at today's Islamic geography and they see Muslims killing Muslims (and) they say "how can this happen? What's going on? Explain this to us." Well what has been going on is the Muslim mind has been sleeping for thirteen centuries so when things like this happen there is no Qur'anic/Prophetic light on this subject and we are stuck with a Muslim mind which is incapable of thinking through the meanings of wisdom that have come to it from Allah and His Prophet!


Another incident that you can only dig up from our history books and no one wants to dig from our own history to try to learn from our own experiences. There is a religious group of people in what is today India. In Islamic books of history it's called As Simniya. Now your humble brother here did not have the time to see whether that has some type of other name in the English/Latin/Orientalist literature. So this, (whatever), sect/religious persuasion it was in India at the time and this was during the third Islamic century. We go from the first Islamic century to the third during the Abbasid time when the King of the Muslims was Harun Ar Rashid. We know that some people get offended because we're conditioned to use certain words. Let's be brave and say the truth. So there was one of these scholars/intellectuals in this religious persuasion in India who told his ruler "these Muslims can only rule by the sword/ brute force. They have no intellectual content to them. They don't think." He said/advised his ruler "if you want to ascertain the truth of what I am telling you correspond with their King Harun Ar Rashid in Baghdad and have the Muslims and we sit together and discuss/debate the issues/differences." So this ruler liked the idea and he sent to the ruler of the Muslims at that time requesting an encounter between the intellectuals of both societies. The ruler in Baghdad sent to this land in what is called Bilad As Sind the High Judge of Baghdad to debate/discuss the issues. So here comes the Simni scholar and sits down with what is supposed to be the intellectual of the Muslims of that time. There's two sides. There are some individuals/thinkers on this side and others on that side. So the Simni asks a question: "is the deity that you conform to/worship able to create another deity like Him." This scholar/Qadhi Qudhat Baghdadi said "your question borders on what we call ilm al kalaam." During that time there was a phrase called a couple of words ilm ul kalaam which in today's language means philosophy. So the Muslim judge's response to this Indian, (whatever his religion was), was "your question is a philosophical question and this type of philosophy we consider to be bid'ah- what is called a negative innovation." He said "and who of your scholars have defined this type of conversation/question as a negative innovation?" He said "Abu Hanifa and two of his students." It ended there. The Muslim scholar could not answer a simple question like that and this reverberates. The Muslim scholars return to Baghdad and the King hears about this and he says "don't we, the Muslims, have any people who can address these types of intellectuals? Where have the Muslim intellectuals gone, (in other words)?" He is told by his advisors/consultants and these types who are around him "but we do have those types of people but they are in prison." That reminds us of today's world- intellectuals in prison! People who want to think they are guilty of thought crimes. Throw them in prison. At that time they may have been in the hundreds now we have them in the hundreds of thousands who are behind bars because they want to think about what Allah and His Prophet are saying to us. So he says "OK- bring me one of them." So they release some of these Mu'tazila. They are called in Islamic history Al Mu'tazila/the rational school of thought in Islam. They present the same question to them. He says "what if someone asks you: you say Allah is Almighty, Allah can do everything etc. can He create another God/divinity like Him?" One of these bright individuals said "the question in itself carries a contradiction because Allah is infinite. He is before time and He is after time. He is not time and place limited and when you speak about creating you are speaking about bringing something into existence within the dimensions of time and place and Allah, a deity, does not exist in the dimensions of time and space. So it cannot happen." A person who was locked up in prison had an answer for other people who were outside the Islamic realm who have questions. Muslims, brothers and sisters: we live in a world that thinks. It is a natural thing that comes to all human beings and we cannot go on practising our rituals/Islam in the absence of our mind/intellect/thinking capabilities/endowment. We cannot go on like this! Therefore what happens in the world today what you see unfolding in front of your own eyes- do we use the words that are used today? For those of you who cannot grasp the intended meanings here- there are people in today's world who learn a few ayaat, (they can memorise the Qur'an and more than that they can memorise the books of ahadith, and they are more anxious in memorising the ahadith than they are to understanding the Qur'an), and they come across another Muslim who they disagree with and in their miniscule thinking minds they say "this person is a kafir." All of you have heard the word takfir. This accusation now is in circulation amongst the Muslims or else how can a Muslim face another Muslim with his gun/machine gun/tank/warplane and then spew death in the population as we see unfolding in front of us? How can this happen unless the other is his own contradiction? Brothers and sisters: this is an indictment of ourselves! What we see unfolding in front of our own eyes is an indictment of the absence of our thinking! A Muslim is sanctified. No Muslim shall kill/shed another Muslims blood nor repossess his wealth/possessions nor violate his womenfolk. How did we get to this level that we are in where the sanctity of a Yahudi/Nasrani life is above the sanctity of the lives of the Muslims?! It begins with rudimentary psychological elements- discrimination/prejudice. Don't you see that some Muslims are more equal than other Muslims?! You go to the land of Al Haramain (and if) you're a Muslim who is coming from Egypt/Pakistan/Nigeria/ Bangladesh or something like that you're a non-entity to them. Another person who comes from the United States/Europe who is not a Muslim at all is almost a "deity" in practise! Of course no one is writing/theorising about this- it is their behaviour/conduct/character that expresses this in real life. This is what we have. When you think about why do we have this? (It is) because we have people who don't think about what Allah is telling them! We have people who have no hikmah in their lives. They did not learn al kitab and they did not learn hikmah.


Dear committed Muslims, brothers and sisters…

We have a lack of confidence in our own convictions and that lack of confidence can be traced to the absence of a thought process. No thinking- no confidence! So much so that Muslims do not dare call a spade a spade, (as it were). They can't bring the language of Allah and His Prophet to today's world therefore from the Manabir/Masajid of Allah you don't hear the meanings of Allah's words applied to today's world. The brainwashers who are in the Masajid who have the public podium in their possession tell you "you cannot mention names/ be specific." Why? If we cannot use names/be specific then how are we going to decipher the meanings that come to us from Allah and His Prophet? They say to us "you cannot express yourselves in public." Who said that? Where did that come from? Muslims go to the Umrah and the Hajj throughout the calendar months and they express themselves in public there. If Allah is telling us that we should sever our dependency relationship upon the Mushrikeen and we demonstrate this ayah in our Hajj and our Umrah- the question becomes who are these Mushrikeen? In the absence of thinking there's never going to be an answer/definition of who these Mushrikeen are. So it's up to us. Are we going to think and thus decode what the word Mushriks mean? Or are we going to remain non thinkers and therefore permitting the slaughter house scenery that we are subjected to where Muslims have to obey the rulers of the Zionist/Imperialist persuasions that we have who camouflage themselves with Islamic names and Islamic rituals? Our psychology is so weak that we don't have the frank/accurate words coming from the Manabir/Masajid in this world to describe for us who these illegitimate rulers are with whom we disagree to the extent of unseating them from their thrones of power.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 11 March 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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